Imagine #29 Jeongyeon X Jimin 👰‍♀️

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Jeongyeon and Jimin have been a couple for three years. They got engaged a few months ago. Jimin popped the question to Jeongyeon when she was practicing in the studio with the girls. Unexpectedly. She really wasn't expecting it to happen. Beat surprise ever. They get married soon and they can't wait. They are enjoying planning their wedding. Although it can be stressful. The wedding is in 6 weeks time. Jeongyeon is yet to choose her dress but she is going soon with the girls to choose the perfect one. The twice girls will be her bridesmaids and the BTS guys will be Jimin's groomsmen. It's going to be a beautiful wedding and a wonderful day for both of them. A couple of days after their wedding, Jeongyeon and Jimin are going to Paris for their honeymoon. They can't wait for that. Not long until they are Mr and Mrs

Today Jeongyeon is going to the bridal store with the girls to try on dresses. Also the girls are going to try on bridesmaid dresses too. She wants their dresses to be purple. She also likes the colour black too it the gurus told her she can't make them wear black dresses as it will look like a funeral. Jeongyeon is fine with that. She and the girls arriving at the bridal store now. "Here we go. I'm excited" Tzuyu said. "You're not the one getting married. I am" Jeongyeon replies. "I know but I can still be excited" she said. They go in and wait for the lady who works there to come. "Hello, ladies. Where is the bride to be?" she says. "Me. I'm here" Jeongyeon said raising her hand. She looks around the store with the girls at the dresses. "What do you think I should go for. Sleeveless dress or one with sleeves. Laced or not laced" she said. "Whatever you want. You're the bride. It's your day" Jihyo said. "You will look beautiful in anything" Dahyun smiles. "Yeah that's why Jimin is marrying you" Chaeyoung said. She looks for a while at the dresses. She selects a few and goes and tries them on. The first one is sleeveless. "What do you think?" Jeongyeon said coming out of the changing room. "It's nice. I like it" Mina said. "I think maybe sleeves would be better" Nayeon said. So that was a no. Jeongyeon tries on one with sleeves. "Ohhhh I love it" Sana said. "I do too but I think you should try the laced one with sleeves before you decide" Momo said. Jeongyeon goes and tries on the other sleeved dress. "That's stunning. It really suits you" Dahyun smiles. "It looks lovely on you. I think it's the one" Tzuyu said. "Thank you. I really love it, girls. I feel like a queen" Jeongyeon said. "You look like a queen, honey. Our blushing bride" Jihyo said. So Jeongyeon said yes to the dress. The girls choose their bridesmaids dresses too. It was a successful bridal shopping day

The following week and Jeongyeon and Jimin are going on a cake tasting afternoon. They are going to a local cake making place to try some samples of cake and decide which one they want as their wedding cake. They love cake so this is just perfect for them. They get ready and leave for the cake place soon. "I'm so excited to try some cake" Jimin said. "Me too. Can't wait. We will find the perfect one for our wedding cake" Jeongyeon smiles. Jimin smiles back. They arrived and walked in and got greeted by the lady who owns the cake shop. They choose a selection of fruit cake and chocolate cake. Just a selection of cakes really. First one they tried was chocolate. "Ohhhh very chocolatey. I like it" Jeongyeon said. "I do too but ultimately I think we should go for a fruity one as not everyone liked chocolate" Jimin said. "How can you not like chocolate?" she said. Jeongyeon and Jimin carry on trying cakes. They try the fruity ones and like those. "I think I like this one the best" he said. "Yeah me too. I love it" Jeongyeon said pointing to the last one. "This is our wedding cake" Jimin smiles. He feeds her some cake and she giggles. They both came to an agreement and decided on the right cake for their wedding. It needed to be the perfect one that was delicious and it was. A few weeks till the wedding now

It's just a few days till the wedding now and Jeongyeon is starting to get pre wedding jitters and nerves. The girls are having to calm her down and reassure her it's only a few days off and it's going to go great. Jeongyeon is laid on her bed feeling sorry for herself. There was a knock on the door and it was Momo, Jeongyeon's dorm mate. "Can I come in?" she asks. "Of course. It's your room" Jeongyeon replies. "What's the matter? You've been here all day" Momo asks. "I don't know just tired I guess" Jeongyeon said. "It's the wedding isn't it. You should be feeling overjoyed that you are getting married in a few days. Lighten up, Jeongyeon" Momo said. "I don't know why I'm feeling like this truthfully" she replies. "Come here. Give me a hug, silly" Momo said pulling Jeongyeon in for a hug. Jeongyeon laughs as she hugs Momo. "See you're laughing" she said. "Yeah I should be overjoyed I'm getting married in a few days to an amazing man" she said. "Exactly. That's the spirit" Momo said. Both girls laugh together. Jeongyeon should be so happy she's getting married in a few days. She is now

Its's Jeongyeon and Jimin's wedding day. The day has finally come. They got married earlier that day in a lovely outdoor ceremony. Now is the reception. They are enjoying food, music and dance now. Jimin is going to say his heartfelt speech soon about how he feels to be married to Jeongyeon. They are having their first dance now. They both know how to dance so they didn't need lessons. They slow dance and look into each other's eyes and dance close together. "I love you" Jimin whispers to Jeongyeon as they slow dance. They slow dance for a while. Then it was time for the speech. "Ladies and gentlemen. Let's toast to us. To my amazing now wife. Yoo Jeongyeon who I love so much. It feels so good to be married to you, my love" he said. Jimin said an even longer speech that went on a bit. "You're so sweet. I married the sweetest man ever" Jeongyeon said. "Here's to us and health and happiness" Jimin smiles. Everyone at the wedding cheers. It feels so amazing for Jimin and Jeongyeon to be married

Jeongyeon fell pregnant four months after their wedding. It was a little unexpected but they did want children so it was a blessing. Jeongyeon and Jimin now have a one year old son called Junsung and he means the world to them. They went with a J name to match theirs. Junsung is just starting to walk too. He took his first steps at nursery so both Jeongyeon and Jimin missed it and there were so disappointed. Junsung is walking at home now so his parents can't miss it. Jeongyeon and Jimin are overjoyed when they come home everyday to their beautiful little boy. He lights up their life. Jimin is about to arrive home soon. Jeongyeon arrived home not so long ago to Junsung. She is in the kitchen with him in her arms now. "Appa will be home soon, buddy" she says. Junsung smiles at her. Jeongyeon likes telling her son what she is doing. Soon the front door opens and Jimin walks in. "Hey, my babies. I'm home" he said. "Hi, honey" Jeongyeon smiles. "Hi, sweetie. There's my boy" Jimin said. He gives her a kiss. Jeongyeon hands Junsung to Jimin and he spends sometime with him while she's in the kitchen. Jeongyeon smiles at her husband and son being cute. Jimin is the best daddy to little Junsung she could ask for. Jeongyeon and Jimin's lives are complete now

A/ N: hope you liked that cute little wedding one of Jeongmin. That's their ship name. Think they make a nice couple. Had to end it in a cute way

Posting some imagines in my Itzy book before I'm back with DahMo pt2

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