Imagine #16 Jihyo X Namjoon 🥰

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Plot summary: Jihyo and Namjoon have known each other for years. They haven't talked much but have always secretly liked each other. One night their fellow members set them up on a date. Will they hit it off?

Jihyo and Namjoon have known of each other for years. They haven't really approached each other or talked to each other much. They are both shy around each other. Namjoon is shyer as he's never had a serious girlfriend before. Jihyo has been with Daniel. They are in the same industry so they have the same kind of lifestyle. Their fellow members tease Jihyo and Namjoon about how cute they would be together. Both of them laugh it all and believe it's never gonna happen. Maybe they both secretly like each other but they don't know that yet. They are busy idols who are not really looking for a relationship at the moment. They are just happy being themselves. Maybe Jihyo and Namjoon are meant to be

Jihyo and Namjoon are going on a date but little something they know. They are going with each other. Their fellow members set them up and they are meeting at the same restaurant and going out with each other. So it's like a blind date. Jihyo is nervous about the date as she doesn't know who she's meeting and it's her first one since breaking up with Daniel. She didn't want to get back into the dating world for a while. Mina and Tzuyu are helping her get ready now. They helped her do her hair and makeup. She is stressing over what to wear so they are helping her decide. "Girls, I'm nervous. I don't know what to do. I don't even want to go on this date now" Jihyo said. "Calm down, unnie" Tzuyu said. "Go on the date. It will be fun" Mina said. "Okay" Jihyo sighs. Mina and Tzuyu calm her down and they choose her a nice dress out for the date. "See not so bad after all" Mina said. "You look beautiful, God Jihyo. Go get him" Tzuyu said. "Thank you, guys. You really helped" Jihyo said hugging the girls. The taxi was waiting outside for Jihyo. Namjoon is on his way too. The two are about to meet soon. Jihyo arrives at the restaurant soon. She gets out of the car and walks inside. Namjoon had just arrived a few minutes ago. He was sat at the bar but he back was turned. Jihyo didn't know where to go so she just stood by the bar. Namjoon turned his head and sees her. For a second he didn't twig on it was her. "Jihyo" he said. "Namjoon" he smiles. "Hi" he said. "Hi" she says. "I guess your my date" he said. "Yes I guess so" Jihyo replies. "Our fellow members set us up" Namjoon said. "Yeah it looks like it" Jihyo laughs. He looks at her and smiles pulling her in for a hug. "Can I get you a drink?" he asks. "Sure. Red wine for me please" she said. Namjoon gets Jihyo a drink and pays as he's a gentleman. They find a table and sit at it. The restaurant is a five star posh one

Jihyo and Namjoon are still on third date and they are having a great time. The best time actually. They are giggling and smiling at each other. They have had appetisers each and are waiting for their main course to come. They are telling funny stories if they other members. "So there was this time where me, Jin and Yoongi were going swimming at the beach. Jin forgot his trunks so he decided to go in his underwear because he really wanted to go swimming. The other guys were there too. Hoseok and Tae were watching. We went swimming and they chased Jin deep into the sea and pulled down his underwear and yeah you can guess what happened" Namjoon laughs. "OMG that's funny. Haha. Hobi and Tae are pranksters"
Jihyo said. "Yeah trust Jin to forget his trunks. Haha" Namjoon said. "No listen to this. You probably know Tzuyu is the evil Maknae. She is very savage at times and gets annoyed. She can be very sweet too. Hmmm well there was this time where we doing a V live. Me and Tzuyu and I was talking on the V live and she stayed silent until at the end she blurted our "IM THE EVIL MAKNAE". It was really funny. I think she was in a mood that day" Jihyo said. Namjoon looks at her and laughs. Their meals come and they sit and eat. Namjoon and Jihyo had another drink before calling it a night. They walk out and he holds the door for her. "Well I really enjoyed our date tonight, Jihyo. We will have to do it again soon" Namjoon said. "Yes we definitely will. It was great, Namjoon" Jihyo replies. "Okay take care and safe journey home" he said. They both go their separate ways after a great date

Jihyo and Namjoon have been on a couple more dates. They are not officially dating yet but they might. They do like each other a lot and they are enjoying spending time together a lot. They have another date this evening. It's Saturday so it's a good day for them to hangout. Namjoon is cooking for Jihyo tonight. She is going over to his place of course. He is making her a classic of his grandmothers. He hopes she will like it. Jihyo says she likes most foods. She is on her way now but she doesn't know that Namjoon is cooking for her so it's a complete and utter surprise. Namjoon is excited to cook for Jihyo but a little nervous too. He has almost finished preparing the meal now. About 15 minutes later the doorbell of Namjoon's apartment. He takes off his apron and answers the door. "Hello, Jihyo" he smiles. "Hi, Namjoon" she smiles. Jihyo was wearing a very flattering dress. "You look beautiful tonight, Jihyo" Namjoon said. "Thank you. You look handsome. I see you're cooking for me" she said. "Yes I am. I hope you'll like it" he said. "Course I will" I reply. Namjoon told Jihyo to sit down while the meal was cooking. Soon enough they could sit down and eat and enjoy. "I wanted to do something special for you tonight, Jihyo. We've been out before and it's private here in my home" Namjoon said. "No it's so nice, Joon. You are a good cook" Jihyo smiles. Namjoon couldn't take his eyes off Jihyo as she looked breathtaking. He is definitely falling for her. Jihyo really enjoyed what Namjoon cooked. They tidied up and then sat down. "This is so nice, Namjoon. Thank you" Jihyo smiles. "You're welcome. You don't have to thank me. I do it because I like you and find you very beautiful, Park Jihyo" he said. "You're so cute, Namjoon. Honestly you are the cutest" Jihyo said. Namjoon smiles and pulls her in and kisses her. They haven't kissed yet so it was about time. "Will you be my girlfriend, Jihyo? I think we should make it official now" Namjoon asked. Jihyo looked at him for a second. "Yes I would love to be, Namjoon" she says. She then kissed him. Perfect end to a perfect night

Jihyo and Namjoon have been dating for 3 months now. They are keeping their relationship private from the public for a little while. If it happens to break somehow, they will just deal with it. Jihyo and Namjoon are enjoying dating and spending time together. They are falling for each other every time they spend together. They are out on a date tonight at a nice quiet restaurant in Seoul. Somewhere they don't think they will get spotted. They are keeping a low profile tonight. Being the gentleman he is, Namjoon is paying for Jihyo at the end. Now they are enjoying the food and each other's company of course. It's beautiful that they are together tonight. "Is it nice?" Jihyo asks Namjoon. "Yes it's delicious. Yours?" he smiles. "Very delicious" she said. After the food, they get another drink and stayed a bit longer before they had to go. Namjoon pays when the cheque comes. As they walk outside, it had started to rain. Unfortunately neither of them had an umbrella or a waterproof coat so they had to stand underneath the canopy so they didn't get soaked as they waited for their cab to come. They are both going to their own places tonight but catching the same ride. The cab is on the way. Namjoon puts his arm around Jihyo as he wants to keep her safe. He gently kisses her on the forehead. He is a loving and caring boyfriend. A few minutes later the cab pulled up to take them home. First stop was Jihyo's place. It was still raining heavy. "Looks like I'm gonna have to run" she said looking out the window. "I'll run with you" Namjoon replies. "Don't be silly, Joon. You'll get drenched too" Jihyo said. "No, babe. I'm walking you to your door" he said. Namjoon gets out the car and goes round to Jihyo's side to get her out. The two of them run to her door. "Goodnight and thank you for everything. You're the best, Namjoon, you know that" Jihyo said. "Gorgeous, you don't have to thank me" he smiles. Namjoon looks at Jihyo and outs his arms around her and pulls her in for a kiss. They kiss in the rain for a couple of minutes before he leaves. The kiss in the pouring rain was the perfect end to the night for them. Jihyo and Namjoon are very happy together as a couple

A/ N: I do ship NamHyo. I think they would make a very nice couple. I also ship Namjoon with Nayeon too maybe a little more so there might an imagine of them two in the future. I ended up with a kiss in the rain

If you haven't noticed I have started an ATEEZ pregnancy series book. Don't worry I will still be updating this one and my Kpop imagines book. My BLACKPINK one I'm putting on hold for a bit. Might update every now and then. Btw I changed the background on the pictures at the top. Got bored of the other one

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