Escaping the Career Fair

Start from the beginning

Do I want to be a spy? Do I want to put my kids through the kind of pain I went through myself? Do I want to subjugate them to the kind of pain I'm feeling now? Is it worth it? Spying is literally in my blood. Spying will be passed down to my children whether I want it to or not. Why try to stop it? They could end up becoming really good spies. They could end up becoming really great... anything. They don't have to be spies. They can be normal. They can become doctors, or hackers, or lawyers, or CIA agents. So whether or not I decide to become a spy, they will still have a choice. They will have to choose. I will sit them down and tell them everything. Everything that they need to know to make a wise choice. And I will ask them, "Do you want to enter Gallagher Academy, or Blackthorne Academy?" Of course the answer will be dependent on whether or not I have a son or daughter.

This doesn't exactly help me answer my question. Do I want to become a spy or not? What will I do if not become a spy? That's another great question. Before all of this happened. Before I was sucked into this world I wanted to be a biomedical engineer. But thinking about that now, it doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel normal anymore. I don't think that would fit me as a person anymore. I don't think I would be able to do that job well. What if I took over the circle? That's a crazy thought. That's never ever going to happen. But what if. What if I became the new ruler of the Circle? I'd basically have the entire world at my fingertips. I mean I could do absolutely anything, rule anyway we want...

"Hello Daniela, know where you might want to go after graduation?" Agent Kingsley asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No, actually, I'm conflicted." I said turning around to face him. He was the very essence of a typical British spy. I didn't actually believe there was someone who could give off such a strong "James Bond" aura until I met him.

"Conflicted? Conflicted in what ways? Conflicted in not knowing which agency you want to go into or conflicted in knowing if you want to become a spy at all?" He asked looking at me.

"The latter." I said truthfully.

"Daniela, would you like to come and take a walk with me?" He asked looking at me. I nodded and followed him out of the grand ballroom. We walked into the hallway where it was dimly lit with the school lights. You know, when I was your age not too long ago I had questions about if this is what I wanted to do with my life." He started as we strolled. I looked up at him. I hadn't noticed how truly young he was. He couldn't have reached his 30's yet. He has to be maybe 8 or 9 years older than me.

"Did you go to Blackthorne?" I asked. He nodded.

"I was sent there as soon I was old enough to attend. From the age of 6 I was training to become a spy. Well in actuality I was training to be an assassin, but we learned how to become really good spies there as well. I've always known that both of my parents were spies. I'm an only child so they, along with all of their coworkers, assumed that I was going to follow in there footsteps. They were especially proud when they saw how much I excelled in school. I was at the top of my class both academically and training wise. Agency after agency wanted me to go work for them, just like how every agency in the world wants you working for them." He said before I cut him off.

"Every agency wants me?" I asked looking at him in shock.

"Both you and Jerry. You're kind of a package deal. The wonder duo that escaped the Circle. If only they knew the truth and how much more is with that." He said shaking his head. "It goes much further than that. Nonetheless, I was debating. I didn't want to disappoint my parents by not going into the business, but I really loved the idea of being normal. You know? Getting a normal job like becoming a doctor or a biochemical engineering. You know? So I was struggling with that for a really long time you know? Before I felt it. It was right before graduation and it was more like a calling than anything. I had to do this. I had to become a spy. I wanted to travel so I went to MI6. Where I was quickly promoted through the rankings and becoming the youngest person to ever reach 007 status, at the age of 25. A year later I wouldn't change it for the world." He said looking over at me.

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