Chapter Four:Lionheart's Festival.

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(Y/N)s POV.

I had made it to Cross's favourite spot, which is simply one tree he likes to either lean on or sit on the branches of the tree. I looked around to see Cross on top of the tree talking to Epic. I know who Epic is since I've met him and introduced him to Cross. Epic claimed he is Cross's best friend, which I was doubtful at first but they seem to get along together.

"Hello Epic!, hi Cross!".

I cheered as I see Cross look away from me, probably thinking I'm going to annoy him again. Epic waved back at me.

"Hello there (Y/N), having a good day bruh?".

Epic asked as I nodded and started climbing up the tree and making it up to the branch they are sitting on.

"Yep, I've got news to share to you guys".

"Please tell me your going to leave me alone".

Cross asked as Epic looked at Cross with a surprised stare, I shook my head and grin excitedly.

"Wrong guess Cross, we are having a bonfire tonight for Lionheart's Festival. Are you guys interested in joining all of us for the celebration?".

I asked as Epic gave me a thumbs up.

"You got it brah".

"I'm not going".

Cross said, making Epic turn to look at Cross with a shocked stare. I just gave him an unamused look but a smile is still evident on my face.

"Come on Cross, be nice bruh".

"If she's going then I'm not going".

Cross spoke, crossing his arms and looking away from me and Epic. I looked at Epic and shrug.

"Oh well, I suppose your not interested in the food we are going to roast over the bonfire".

I ployed as Cross seemed interested in hearing what I was saying but he didn't move an inch. I smiled, knowing that I caught him right where I want him. Epic however decided to ask.

"Really (Y/N), what is going over the bonfire?".

"Oh you know the usual, chicken, beef and marshmallows on skewers. We might not have enough cookies but we do have chocolate for replacements though. Anyways I better get going, your welcome to join us anytime in the night just not too late".

I spoke as I jumped down the tree and started walking away from the spot. My smile had widened as I know that I had managed to invite Cross to the bonfire. Now I'm going to go gather some food for the bonfire.

Narrators POV.

The cloudless night has came, showing the stars as everyone had started gathering around the about-to-be-lit-up bonfire. Some had brought the picnic tables to be near the fire while others brought benches to be infront of the fire.

Anyways, (Y/N) had seen everyone here, her smile had grew as she looked over the town's entrance to see the statue. She is the only one to notice the statue is looking at the direction of where the bonfire is and for that she didn't mind. Heck she wanted the statue to watch the bonfire happen before its eyes.

"Uhm (Y/N), why did we make a bonfire?".

Asked a Chara as (Y/N) smiled excitedly.

"Well you see that statue over there right? Today is the day where we celebrate how he sacrificed his life to bring us the future".

(Y/N) answered as the Chara smiled and went to go tell the others what they had learned. (Y/N) looked around to see Cross and Epic coming, well Epic was dragging Cross towards the bonfire with ease. (Y/N) had smiled and grabbed the stick from the bonfire. She was satisfied that the bonfire didn't fall apart over a single branch.

She had breathed on the stick, the end that she was breathing on had caught on fire as it continued to burn ablaze in an alluring way.

"Can I have your attention everyone?".

(Y/N) called out as everyone had stopped their conversations and turned to look at her. Cross decided to listen as Epic made both him and Cross sit on the picnic table filled with food and snacks by themselves. Everyone else are either sitting on benches or standing around, listening quietly.

"Thank you everyone, now as you all may be wondering what we are celebrating today".

(Y/N) started off, peeping everyone's interest by a mile, Cross had got his hands on a chocolate bar as Epic nodded in interest.

"Today is Lionheart's Festival, it's where we celebrate how Lionheart The Great had sacrificed himself to save the multiverse eons ago. Now we celebrate it by making a bonfire for him. Without further ado, let the festival begin".

(Y/N) spoke as she threw the blazing wood at the large pile of sticks. It had set the pile into a gulf of flames as everyone cheered happily for the festival that had begun.

However Cross became interested on what (Y/N) had said about Lionheart. For some reason, the name Lionheart seemed familiar to him. Epic is not far from Cross, Lionheart does sound familiar to him as well.

(Y/N)s POV.

Everyone had went back to conversations with eachother as I smiled, grabbed a disguarded stick and morphed it into a guitar. Did you really think that there wouldn't be a campfire song? Luckily no one had noticed for whatever reason. I had started playing the guitar as only a few had noticed me play the guitar.

Just as I was about to start singing, a portal not far from the bonfire opened and out came four people. One I recognized was Core Frisk. The two recognizable ones are that Sans and Chara but except for the tall skeleton wearing an orange jacket, I don't recognize him. I stood up and ran over to the four that are on the ground.

"Is everyone alright? What happened Core?".

I asked as I helped Core up, it seemed everyone had came over to see whats happened. Even Cross came over to the group with worry written over his face.

"Everything happened, I had managed to get the Bad Time Trio away from the Murder Time Trio. But they are hurt, especially Carrot".

I snorted over the nickname given to the tall, clothed color coded orange skeleton. Cross glared at me when I snorted. I rolled my eyes and lifted up the tall skeleton, who is passed out.

"Alright then, we better get them to the medics house quickly..... Aren't you gonna help Cross?".

I asked seriously, surprising Cross as he nodded and helped lifted up the passed out Sans. Epic helped lifted up the definately knocked out Chara. Everyone that had gathered around us had got out of the way as we rushed our way towards the medics house.

End Of Chapter.

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