Chapter Six:The Bad Time Trio Vs The Murder Time Trio

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StoryShift Charas POV.

Me, Classic and Carrot were in judgement hall, waiting for the human to come back and fight us again but not this time. The human hadn't returned yet to our relief so we can catch a break. However out of the corner of my eye, I saw something that looked like Sans except this Sans had purple and red pupils.

"Guys we got company".

I pointed out, catching Carrots and Classic's attention as they turned to look at the intruder that came in. All of a sudden, two more of Sans had came in but one had a hole and one red eye socket and the other barely had any eye sockets. On instinct I used my magic to stop them from coming forward, which are knives pressed against their necks.

"Whoa buddy, we don't intend to hurt ya".

The purple eyed one said as I glared harshly at him. I can sense that something is off about those three and I don't like it. It was then that Classic came to me.

"Hold on, we should hear them out and besides they might know a way out of here".

Classic said as I sighed, I know me, Classic and Carrot wanted to get out of here more than ever. I despawned my magic knives from the three intruders as I crossed my arms.

"See, we don't have to get our hands dirty right?".

The eyeless skeleton spoke in a mocking tone as I glared at him.

"Cut the shit and get straight to the point".

I demanded as the three intruders were surprised by my demands, even Classic and Carrot were surprised as I am. I don't know what came over me but I felt impatient to hear from what the three intruders have to say.

"Fine then, we have came here as the saviors to save you from this hell you have landed in. This is the deal from our generous boss's, we will get you out of here if you work for them. How does that sound?".

The purple and red eyed skeleton asked as I didn't like the vibe they were producing. Frankly I'm not the only one here that senses something off about those three.

"And what if we don't agree to come with you?".

Carrot asked as I frowned but nodded in agreement with Carrots question.

"Well then you won't like what will happen next".

"I mean, don't you want to get out of here?".

The holed skeleton and the eyeless skeleton said as I glared at them, if only glares could kill, they would be six feet under. What took me by surprise is when Classic said that we accepted and teleported to the red and purple eyed skeleton. I couldn't hear anything Sans was saying to the purple and red eyed skeleton and neither can Carrot.

It was then when we see a red scarf fly out in the air that is held by Sans.

"Let me ask ya something buddy, if your brother was alive then why were you carrying his scarf and why is it covered in dust?!".

Sans shouted as he stepped back and wrapped the scarf around his neck.

"You were suppose to be the judge, not the executioner, we aren't going to accept your deal you murderers!".

Classic shouted as he teleported above us and summoned a lot of gaster blasters. A battle had began between the six of us, three of us fighting the other three in an attempt to win a battle that determines our life.

Narrators POV.

Meanwhile out of judgement hall is a skeleton named Insanity killing off once again Frisk but while he was distracted. Core had managed to get passed Insanity until a bone grazed passed their cheek once they were about to open the door to judgement hall.

"Where do ya think ya going kid?".

Core turned around to see Insanity staring at them with a crazy look full of malicious intent.

"I'm going to go fetch some people, that's cool if you don't mind?".

"Not today buddy, not today".

Core had found themselves in a fight against Insanity. Insanity had launched knife sized bones out of the ground and threw bones as sharp as knives towards Core. Core managed to dodge all of it but their efforts would be proven pointless after the gaster blasters come out to play. Core had to dodge all off the gaster blasters and run around the area where the bones would graze at their boots. Soon the boots had begun to grow holes and then push into Cores feet, only making them lose 1 HP every time.

"Come on kid, why don't ya stay still and lend me a BONE?, hehehehe-hahahahahahaha-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!".

Just as Insanity laughed at his joke, the bones on the ground had sharpened even more and pushed out of the ground like spikes. Core winced in pain as they felt the bone push through their foot with brute force.

"I don't want to do this, I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time".

Core had used their UNUSED DETERMINATION and managed to teleport Insanity to another universe. Core had won the battle as they used their UNUSED DETERMINATION to heal their foot.

After Core was done healing, they made note that the Frisk there is going to come back and reset so Core had to be quick to get the Bad Time Trio out of there. Core instantly ran into judgement hall to see the place in shambles, bones and knives were everywhere as the place had been surrounded by mist.

However in the mist of the fight, Core could pinpoint Sans fighting Dust, Horror fighting StoryShift Chara and Killer fighting Carrot. That's not the only thing Core had noticed, the place was starting to glitch out as a sign saying a reset is about to happen. It didn't take long for the battle to end when Sans came flying to Cores direction along with StoryShift Chara and Carrot. Each hit the wall, are badly wounded but not dead.

Sans was bleeding and at the urge to pass out.

StoryShift Chara had their right arm broken, left leg broken and scars are littered over their face.

Carrot had a broken his left arm and twisted his foot.

Core stood infront of the three and took their hands. Core had already noticed that the Murder Time Trio had took off when the place started to crumble so it was Cores turn to book it.

"Hold on tight guys, we are going to Alpha-Tale".

End of chapter.

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