Chapter Fourteen:The Defeat Of Spider Chara.

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(Y/N)s POV.

Fighting this Chara was starting to annoy me, how the hell can these mortals stand against me with no fatal blows? Not to mention how they had sprouted eight spider legs out of their back. It made me disgusted when I heard the sick cracks of bones being sprouted out of their body.

"Okay that is disgusting!".

I shouted, trying to discourage the Chara as I didn't want to kill this Chara. I will only send them to Life's Garden so I can visit Fate and Destiny later.

"It's not disgusting, it's beautiful".

The spiders cooed out, making me want to crush them down to the earth's core but I refrained from doing that. If I do that then there's a risk in chance that I might accidentally expose myself.

"(Y/N) there is too many of these spiders!".

"I know Cross! I have eyes you know!".

I shouted, annoyed as I kicked a spider to a far building as I stepped on another spider into the ground. We aren't getting any closer to the Chara and there seems to be too many spiders, it's disgusting. Every time we get close to this Chara, this Chara sends more spider like humans and crawl back up to the top of the building.

"Cross get on my back".

"Beg your pardon?!".

I didn't have an option, I ran to Cross, made him get on my back and started running towards a building connected to the Charas webbing.

"Wait, wait!, (Y/N)- WALL!".

I ran at the wall of the building and jumped to the side of the wall. Using my magic to fly up but making it look like I'm stuck to the side of the building. I saw the wave of spider like humans run at me as I ran up the building, feeling Cross wrap his arms around my neck tightly.

"Cross not so tight!".


I lied a bit on Cross's grip, I can't feel it but I have to pretend for his sake to not know. I looked down to the ground and saw the wave of spiders climbing up to us at a fast paste.

"Ew, that is disgusting".

I murmured as I made it to the webbing, making sure not to be upside down as I ran towards the huge cocoon. I can see the Chara look at me with a frown upon their face.

"It turns out you're just like them".

I could hear them mutter as they then disconnect that bit of the web on their side to stop us from getting to them. I can hear little patters of running on the line me and Cross are on. I sped up the paste as I was close to the edge.

"Wait (Y/N) stop!".

"We can't stop, not right now".

Just as I said that, I jumped forwards, hearing Cross scream and a few thousand screams behind me falter as I landed on the soft webbing of the huge cocoon.

"So you made it?".

I put Cross down on the webbing as I eyed my opponent, this Chara's skin had changed to a black like goo, almost simular to Experi Frisk I've captured.

"Please tell me you don't have what I think you have".

"Yes and no, I was a former cell mate of Experi Frisk except I was brought off and expected to be perfect in everything. They asked me to be perfect, they wanted me perfect so I gave them perfect. It involved me carving their guts out and forcing them to watch as I had done it".

Okay this Chara is crazy, maybe crazier than Alternate Gabriel from The Mandela Catalogue. Maybe that's an understatement? Either way, this Chara is crazy.

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