Chapter 1

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The kingdom of Snow-ton is a place many people would call heaven on earth. This kingdom's citizens live in prosperity day and night with countless festivals and celebrations throughout the year. The people of Snow-ton live their life worry-free.

Outside the palace, the townspeople have celebrated for three days, anticipating the arrival of their first prince. With fireworks, music and dancing, the night was young, with many people gathering in the town centre to enjoy the celebrations, unaware of what was happening within the royal family.

King Zane strolled along the corridor of the bed chambers, waiting for his son's arrival and his kingdom's fate.

Thinking back on the morning, the Queen had fallen ill. King Zane had called for the royal doctor to inspect his wife's conditions.

"What is the diagnosis of the Queen doctor.'

The royal doctor gently moved away from the Queens bed and bowed his head at the King before replying. 

"You majesty, it is good news the Queen is with child. I will prescribe herbal medicine for the Queen to help with the nauseous and tiredness."

"The Queen is with Child," asked the King.

"Yes, your majesty, her majesty is four weeks into her pregnancy," said the doctor.

"My Queen, you have blessed this kingdom with an heir. Regent, heed my word tell the people of Snow-ton that an heir is to be born in the new season. 

"Yes, your majesty."

"This is called for a celebration. You have made me the happiest person, my Queen, tomorrow. I'll shall invite a seer to foretell the future of our kingdom."

By evening word of the Queen being with child spread throughout the kingdom, and eventually, the townspeople learned of their Queen being with child by the next day. In the following days after the King and Queen took a trip into town with their handmaids and guards, handing out gold and silver to the people.

"Long live King Zane and Queen Ophelia", shouted the townspeople as the King and Queen made their rounds, visiting everyone from Nobles to the farmers.

By noon the King and Queen entered the throne room where an elderly man wearing white robes and the Regent were waiting for an audience with the King. Leading his wife to sit on the wooden chair decorated with fluffy cushions, the King then made his way to his chair, sitting high above everyone.

Once the King had taken his throne, everyone bowed down before chanting.

"Long live the King."


"Your majesty, this is elder Arram, who currently resides on the high mountains." Said the Regent.

"Greetings, your majesty," Said Arram.

"Please rise, elder."

"Thank you, Sire."

"As you know by now, the Queen is with child. Tell me what the future of the Prince is."

"Your majesty, if I may give my honest answer, the kingdom will fall with the arrival of the prince."

"How dare you, I shall have you executed for disrespecting the royal family for disrespecting me." Yelled the King from his throne.

"Your majesty, Please calm down; there is a solution to the problem. If I may continue."


"One the night of the Prince's birth, it will be a full moon representing a new day, light invading into darkness. The Prince will bring great fortune to the kingdom but at a cost."

Queen Ophelia listened to the elder's words and touched her flat stomach, bringing a smile to her beautiful face.

"The Prince will suffer in the first couple of years after he is born; only then will everything fall into place."

"What do you mean the prince will suffer." Asked the Queen.

"The prince will need to be exiled."

The Queen, who had stood up from her spot in a hurry after hearing the elder's words, quickly walked to stand in front of the elder before continuing.

"No, that is not true. Tell me that you have made some mistake."

"Your majesty, everything in this world has a beginning and an end. For the Prince to fulfil his destiny, he must first walk the path given to him." 

"No, your majesty, there must be some other way. The Prince can not be exiled. I will make sure of it." said the Queen, feeling overwhelmed. She turned to leave when she suddenly felt the room spinning. 

In the next second, the Queen's body swayed before finally collapsing.

"Your Majesty" shouted the handmaid running to the Queen.

"Ophelia" shouted the King coming down from his throne. He bent down to pick up the Queen and carried her to bed chambers but not before instructing his Regent to fetch the royal doctor.

Five minutes later, the royal doctors once again were called in.

"Doctor, how is the Queen."

"Sire, the Queen is overwhelmed by today's events and needs rest. I have already asked the kitchen to prepare herbal soup for the Queen; her majesty will be fine after resting."

"And the prince."

 "The prince is well, Sire."

King Zane had been lost in thought when the first cries of the Prince could be heard through the doors of the Queen's chambers.

"You majesty, you can come in now," said the midwife.

King Zane stepped onto the threshold and spotted the Queen lying in bed, going to his wife. He quickly kissed her on the forehead before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Your majesty, look at how beautiful he is," said Ophelia handing the King, the bundle in her arms. The King took the bundle from the Queen and looked at his newborn son.

"Ophelia, he is beautiful. He will make a great king one day."

"You majesty, let's call him Luna, as he was. Born during the full moon."

"Luna, it fits him. It goes with his silver hair and eyes."

"Haha, Yes, Luna is a good name." Whispered the Queen for she slowly drifted off from exhaustion.

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