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i will. love you.

2:34 am

what were you thinking? not telling me you're going to a damn party-you could've at least told me.

it's not like i wouldn't let you go.

4:37 am

i expected this kind of behavior from hyunjin but you? for fucks sake.

i have no words.

when you get out of that damn surgery i swear to god i'm kicking your ass for scaring me like that.
i'm on my way to the hospital.

11:37 pm

why didyouhavego to that ficking party

did someeone force uou to go what you hiding things

iditntj know about ????

Me ????

her finger shook slightly as she opened the keypad.

i miss you so much|

i miss you s|

i m|

the sound of the hotel door clicking open made her hide her phone next to her as if she were a child.

the man stepped in the room in a velvet black tailored suit in all his glory, giving his sister one annoyed look before his words were delivered in the most bothered tone ever.

"limo's here."

"don't speak to me like i'm our mother." she said neutrally, getting up and grabbing her phone and chanel purse.

he simply chuckled sarcastically, grazing his hand on the old piano nearby.

"yeah well so much for not seeing you in five months. don't know the hell you were off doing," he remarked after playing a couple of out of pitch keys.

"i wonder why." she replied dryly, fixing her two toned hair as she walked past him to look at her reflection in the mirror. her black buttoned dress, which was of course incredibly elegant chanel.

"you know damn well why i didn't contact you." yoongi's tone was dangerously furious.

she opened her purse, grabbing a tint of pale lip gloss that suited her newly two-toned hair, held together by a dark bow. she had dyed her hair to honor felix's natural hair, but she couldn't bear to dye the whole thing blonde. he had always complimented her dark hair.

"acting like a child at your big age." she spoke calmly. yoongi's temper was not one to provoke, but jennie knew the instant he said anything that went too far, he'd regret it for life.

"i could say the same thing to you but you are a damn child!" somehow his korean accent made his voice even more intimidating. the woman wasn't angry at his words, knowing he was saying them out of spite.

she had developed to control her emotions ever since she was younger. she simply turned around and smiled at him.

"don't ruin tonight. for felix."

yoongi's rage dissolved from his features in an instant, getting up from the piano seat. she took note of the way he opened the door for her in a gesture to get rid of the sudden guilt that was hitting him, looking unbothered as he did so.

walking out the hotel door, ignoring all the nosy caretakers who had clearly been listening in on her conversation with her brother was an easy task for jennie. the reserved woman simply walked forwards, with yoongi trailing behind.

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