Non-Binary Mad Scientist Reader x Splendor

Start from the beginning

"BUT SPLENDOR!" They whine in protest. "Let me make a few lists I won't be long!"

"Nope," I laugh, catching them in my tendrils when they go to run and carrying them out of the lab.

"NOOOoooooo!" They whine, eventually huffing and going limp in my tendrils as they pout.

"Stay here," I warn when I set them on the floor of their bedroom, hurrying to the bathroom for a hair brush, hair tie, and a few products. "You didn't even use your deranged brush?!"

"Uhhhh, I lost it?" They offer as a pitiful excuse, a sigh leaving me. "Y/N, you can't keep doing this or else we need to cut it off."

"NO! PLEASE! DON'T DO THAT!" They cry in a panic, bunching their long hair in their arms and backing away.

"Why are you so against it when you don't take proper care of it?!" I demand of them.

"B-Because......!" They pause their words, their cheeks flushing bright red as their eyes tear up.

My eyes widen when they grow so upset, quickly working to backtrack my words. "Wait! Wait! I'm sorry! Don't worry about it, let's just forget about it!"

"I just.....likewhenyoutakecareofit," They mumble quickly.

"What?" I ask, kneeling in front of them. "Repeat it."

"I like when....youtakecareofit," They breathe out once again.

"Y/N," I breathe, resting my forehead against theirs. "Slowly and say each word by itself."

"I like when you take care of it," The tell me, pausing on each word. "My hair I mean. It feels......nice."

My eyes widen as I'm stunned into silence. All this time it's been a fight getting them to properly care for their long hair I never thought of the fact they always give in! That and when I'm doing it they're always content and still with me as we watch a show of they talk about their day, or I'll talk about mine. I was getting so exasperated I never even considered they might be enjoying it. Now that I thought of's usually the most time we usually spend together. When they're not experimenting we were doing their hair and then I leave. I make sure they're taken care of and then I leave after......what was I doing?!

" mind if I crash here tonight?" I ask them, their eyes going wide before the most adorable grin stretches across their face.

"YES! YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!" They cry, their hands grasping mine before I'm drug over to the dresser. "LOOK WHAT I GOT!"

"Matching pajamas?" I ask with a delighted laugh, accepting the soft fleece rainbow pajamas. "How'd you get my size?!"

"Trender helped me make them," they explain. "I did all the sewing and stuff but I needed your sizes and I knew he kept a record. The stitching isn't as pretty but it's very strong and they'll hold up I swear!"

"You really hand sewed all of these?" I ask in surprise.

"Y-Yeah! I found the fabric b-but all of it is my work!" They stammer out.

"They're amazing. Thank you," I tell them, a muffled yelp of surprise leaving them when I suddenly kiss them.

I peak my eyes open to see theirs are closed before I close mine and deepen the kiss. I pull away with a smile and rest my head against theirs, their cheeks bright red as they smile.

"Let's change then hair time!" They announce, running into the bathroom to go change.

I chuckle and change in their room real quick before settling on the floor and organizing everything to my liking.

"You ready!" They call from the bathroom.

"All done!" I call back, chuckling when they come running out the door and then settle on the floor in front of me.

I smile and begin taking care of the tangled mess of their hair. They relax in front of me, going through lists of plant combinations they wanted to try to repeat the serum. I listen patiently, having no clue what half the plant were but I was trying to learn. They list various uses the plants have. It was hilarious. They didn't have a green thumb but they were good at making combinations from plants and knew all the properties they held. They were so amazing and it's a shame no one else could recognize them for their talent. Granted they had a few screws loose but who didn't?

"Oh! What are you doing for your birthday?" They suddenly ask, fidgeting with their hands.

"Hmmm! I didn't have anything planned! I imagine my brothers will throw a party, they do every year!" I explain happily. "I know it's standard but I appreciate it."

"I was.....hoping me and you could celebrate. You know. Alone?" The mumble softly. "The day before or after?"

"Why not the day of?" I ask them. "The party can always be postponed."

"Really?!" They ask, suddenly jerking around with wide eyes.

"Hey! Don't do that! Are you okay?!" I cry, a large knot of hair now in the brush from where it tore at the hair.

"You mean it right?!" They ask, crawling into my lap and getting close to my face.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye," I grin at them, laughing at their pout. "If I say needle you're going to start thinking and talk me into things."

"Fiiiiiine," They huff with a smile. "On your birthday then. All day and night."

"It's a deal," I grin, giving them a peck on the lips before they settle again.

Once I have the knots brushed out and the hair conditioned I'm gentle as I slowly braid their hair. If reaches all the way past the small of their back but not down to their thighs yet. Once it's braided I pause to admire my work, easing the brain over their shoulder.

"It looks amazing!" They gasp with happiness.

"I'm glad you like it. What do you say we watch down movies?" I ask them.

"Yes!" They agree.

I chuckle and get them settled to pick a movie while I gather the proper assortment of snack and drinks. I set everything on the end of the bed and then climb in next to them, chuckling when they climb into my lap. I wrap my arms around their waste and hold them close, using my tendrils for any snack or drink I want. They have free use of their arms but I end up sharing as they refuse to leave the comfort of my chest once they're laying back against me as I relax against the headboard.

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