Y/n vs Gaara!

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Third person POV

Gaara and Y/n continue to stare each other down and a dark aura starts coming off Y/n.

Hayate: Umm... You guys ready? Begin!

In an instant, Y/n suddenly disappears from Gaara's field of vision. Startled, Gaara looks around before a wall of sand appears in front of him and is destroyed. Gaara's eyes widen as he realizes that Y/n hadn't disappeared, he was just too fast for him.

Gaara: Wh-what...?

Y/n: Seems your sand is quite protective of it's master... Had that wall not intercepted me, you'd be picking your teeth up off the floor.

The demon smirks, his eyes piercing through Gaara and peering into his soul.

Y/n: Now you know how those people you killed feel... Hopeless. Powerless. I like that scared look!

Gaara: Shut up!

Y/n is knocked back by sand, but he quickly recovers and smirks.

Y/n: That's all?

Gaara: Don't mock me!

A fist made of sand comes hurtling towards Y/n, but he holds the attack back with one hand and burns the sand, turning it into glass in an instant.

Gaara: Wh-what...?!

Y/n flicks the glass and leaves a crack, which starts to crack open more and spread through the now glass fist before shattering.

Y/n: Wake up. You're completely outclassed.

Gaara: No...! No!

Y/n is then suddenly surrounded by sand, and it makes a dome shape around the demon, trapping him.

Gaara: Heh...! Hehe...! Hahaha! You can't even breathe in there, let alone make another fire! I'll just suffocate you!

A blade then comes out of the sand, and a large portion of it is flung away before flames turn the immediate area around the hole to glass and Gaara's eyes widen in fear as two crimson red, glowing eyes glare back at him from the dome of sand.

Gaara: What...?! What are you?!

He collapses the remaining sand around Y/n to trap and crush him, and he laughs.

Gaara: Die...!

Gaara's eyes widen again as he feels cold steel pressed against his throat. Turning his head, he sees Y/n staring him down.

Y/n: You asked what I am... Right?
I'm your worst fucking nightmare.

Gaara: Shut up! Shut up, damnit!

Sand bursts forth, snapping the blade of Y/n's sword.

Y/n: I liked that one...

He ducks under an incoming pillar of sand before uppercutting Gaara, knocking him into the ceiling of the building they were in. As Gaara drops back down, sand catches him and he slowly sits up, glaring at Y/n. A mask made of sand had been over Gaara's true face, which was filled with hatred and rage, and was now cracked open, revealing Gaara's true face to everyone.

Gaara: I... I hate you!

Y/n's eyes widen a little at the tone in Gaara's voice.

Y/n: Are... You about to cry?

Gaara: SHUT UP!

He attempts to attack Y/n with sand again, but Y/n sidesteps his attack with ease and punches Gaara in the face before kicking him away.

~ With the others ~

Kankuro: Gaara... Gaara is getting beat down...!

Temari: He looks like he's scared... What the hell?! How much has Y/n been holding back?!

Hinata: Y-Y/n... I can barely register his movements... He's so fast!

Kiba: No kidding, it's like he's teleporting!

Naruto: I'm glad he didn't do this during training...

Shino: He'll definitely win... Question is... Will he kill Gaara?

~ Back with Y/n and Gaara ~

Gaara slowly pulls himself up and his eyes were now wild, fear, anger, hatred, and insanity roaming around and fighting for control of his eyes. Y/n, on the other hand, looked almost sympathetic, yet calm and cold.

Gaara: You're... Strong...! But... Can you...

More sand begins pouring out of Gaara's gourd.

Gaara: Beat the demon in me?

Gaara is then swallowed by the sand and it moves away from the area, destroying a wall of the building as it goes into the Forest of Death.

Y/n: Get back here, coward!

Hayate: Umm, wait!

Y/n ignores Hayate and zips away, like a predator hunting it's prey. This chase continues for a moment before the large flow of sand comes to a stop and forms a giant, tailed creature made entirely of the sand.

Tailed Beast: Hahaha! I can't remember the last time I was free! I thank you, Y/n! Gaara has deemed you worthy of this!

Y/n: So, this is a Tailed Beast... You must be Shukaku, the One Tailed Beast!

Shukaku: You're correct, boy!

Y/n smirks and scoffs at the beast before him, taking the bandages on his right arm completely off, revealing what appears to be a dragon tattoo.

Y/n: Hehe! Gaara... You showed me your ace, so I'll show you mine... I warn you, Shukaku... I don't know if you'll survive this!

Shukaku: Pfft! Haha! Don't make me laugh, boy! What could you possibly- Eh...?

Suddenly, the clouds above them grew dark and the sky itself turned red as a barrier of light surrounds Y/n.

Y/n: I suppose you're not familiar with this? It is an attack from my world, so it would make sense.

Shukaku: What're you talking about? More importantly, what the hell are you doing?!

Y/n: It'll be easier if I just show you, Shukaku! So... LET ME SHOW YOU!!

Several pillars of darkness appear around Y/n, with him being dead in the center, the dragon tattoo on his arm glowing.

Y/n: Hehe...! HAHAHA! I've been dying to try this one!

Shukaku tries to attack Y/n, but the light around him works as a barrier and knocks him back.

Y/n's bandana burns up and his Jagan glows as the demon holds his hand out, dark flames coming forth and flaring violently.

Shukaku: Is that Amaterasu?! I thought that was the attack of the Uchiha!

Y/n: No, this is a living fire from the depths of Yomi, Hell...! With my Jagan, I will call upon the power of... THE DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!

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