Hard Worker vs Noble Elite!

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Third person POV

A month has passed since the Chunin Exams preliminaries began... Now, it's time to continue the preliminaries!

Hayate: Umm... Welcome back, everyone. This will be the end of the preliminaries for the final exam, so... Umm... Without further ado, we'll begin the match-ups!

The scoreboard suddenly comes to life and selects the first name.

Hayate: Umm... The first competitor will be Neji Hyuga... And his opponent...

The second name is then displayed.

Hayate: Umm... Rock Lee.

Neji and Lee walk to the front and take battle stances.

Neji: Lee... You cannot defeat me with hard work alone...

Lee: Hmph! I'll show you the power of the springtime of youth!

Hayate: Umm... Ready? Begin!

With that, Neji and Lee both leap into action, Neji aiming for Lee's chakra points.

Neji strikes out, but misses his mark, then is punched in the stomach and sent flying as a result.

Y/n watches the two of them intently, his arms folded and a scowl on his face.

Y/n: ' Lee is doing good so far, but if he gets hit with that technique enough, he'll just get thrashed... On the other hand, Neji seems to be on the defense at the moment due to Lee's superior physical strength and speed. Maybe he can do this... '

Lee ducks under an incoming punch and goes for an uppercut, but Neji strikes him with precision in his wrist, making Lee pull his hand back and then leap backwards.

Neji: Even if you can't use ninjutsu... Your chakra points are still a viable place to strike, and with my Byakugan I won't miss often. Give up now.

Lee chuckles and rubs his wrist.

Lee: Neji... There's no way I could do that! I trained with Y/n, I can't just let him down like that!

Y/n's eyes widen slightly at this.

Neji: The demon who protected Hinata? You weaklings do travel in packs, don't you?

Lee: Shut up, don't talk about my friend as if he's a nobody. He cared about Hinata! Which is more than I can say about you!

Neji: Lee... Shut up!

He rushes forward and strikes a chakra point in Lee's chest.

Neji: That was too easy!

Lee: You fell for it...!

Neji raises a brow and is suddenly knocked back with a headbutt from Lee, the Hyuga holding his head in pain before Lee kicks him into the air and jumps after him before punching him into the ground. Lee then lands a few feet from Neji and grips his chest.

Lee: Surrender now and I won't hurt you.

Neji sits up and wipes some blood off his lips, then laughs.

Neji: You think you're in any position to be trying to let me off the hook? I told you, hard work alone can't beat me!

He then sweeps Lee off his feet and begins raining down blows on him, hitting as many chakra points as he could before Lee kicks him off and winces in pain.

Neji: I've hit every chakra point in your left arm and your abdomen, you won't win. Last chance, surrender.

Lee smiles and begins taking the weights off his arms and legs, then drops them, a loud crash echoing in the arena. In a flash, Lee appears behind Neji and punches him away, then rushes him, landing blow after blow on Neji's midsection.

Lee: First Gate!

Neji begins to dodge and block some of the attacks before counter attacking by hitting Lee's chakra points.

Neji: Lee!

Lee: S... Second Gate!

Lee then punches Neji in the jaw full force and pants heavily.

Neji: Lee... How... Could you... Have...?

Lee coughs up some blood and doubles over.

Lee: All I have to do... Is punch you one more time... And you'll lose consciousness...

Neji: Impossible... Fate decided that... I...

Suddenly, Y/n interrupts Neji.


Naruto: Yeah, you can make your own destiny!

Neji laughs and looks over to Lee, who also looked ready to pass out.

Neji: I... Forfeit. You... Won.

Neji falls over face first and Lee raises a fist before falling on his ass.

Hayate: Umm... The winner is Rock Lee!

Medical Ninja come in and pick the two of them up.

~ Small Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Neji ~

Neji slowly opens his eyes.

Neji: Where... Am... I...?

He looks over and sees Y/n with his arms folded and his back against the wall. Standing next to the demon was Hinata.

Neji: You... Didn't you want me dead?

Y/n doesn't reply, but turns his head away.

Hinata: Neji, you're in the hospital... You and Lee did a number on each other.

Neji: No kidding...

Hinata: I told Y/n to be nice, so he won't hurt you... Even though he wants to punch you still.

Neji looks at the demon, looking him up and down.

Neji: ... He doesn't have chakra. He wasn't kidding... Hahaha!

Hinata: Wh-what?

Neji: I'm sorry... It's just that... I was such an ass that a literal demon thought less of me... I'm sorry Hinata. I know I was wrong now, thanks to Lee, Naruto... And Y/n. I hope you can forgive me... But if you choose not to, I don't blame you.

Hinata: It's okay, Neji! I forgive you!

Neji: And... You?

Y/n: Hn... I don't really trust you, but... If Hinata forgives you... I suppose I can as well. But if you ever hurt her again, I will find you and I will kill you.

Neji raises his hands and then looks back at Hinata.

Neji: May I speak with him? Alone?

Hinata: O-oh, okay sure...

She walks out of the room, Y/n watching her like a hawk.

Neji: You love her don't you?

Y/n: Love is a very strong word Neji.

Neji: Am I wrong?

Y/n: ... Not really.

Neji: Thank you for standing up for her... I can tell you want to protect her.

Y/n: She almost makes me wish I were human... So I could understand the feelings I have for her better.

Neji laughs, causing the demon to raise a brow.

Y/n: What??

Neji: Even us humans can't process our emotions sometimes. Trust me.

Y/n: ...

Neji: You'd give up your power for her?

Y/n: No, that's foolish. Instead, I'll use my power to protect her.

Neji: You want to be with her?

Y/n turns around and opens the door to the hospital room.

Y/n: Later, Neji. I'm gonna go visit Lee.

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