The Chunin Exams ( Part 1 )

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Third person POV

Ibiki: In the next thirty minutes, you all are to register for the Chunin Exams, no exceptions.

With that, he and his men leave.

Hinata: I-I guess... It's time to go.

Y/n: Yeah... Let's go.

Ino runs over to Y/n and holds his left hand.

Ino: I'll see you later, right?

Y/n just nods, making Ino smile.

Y/n: Show me what you can do, flower girl.

Ino blushes lightly and nods before Y/n pulls away.

~ Small Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n and Chibi Ino giving him flowers ~

???: Hey, you! With the attitude!

Team 7 and Team 8, bar Y/n, look up and see a guy around their age with really bushy eyebrows, who jumps down.

???: Y/n of Team 8!

Y/n just glares at the guy.

Y/n: What is it? It had better be important if you're bothering me!

???: I am Rock Lee! I wanted to see if the rumors about you being strong were true!

Y/n: I'm not interested in fighting you.

Kiba: Typical Y/n...

Lee wasn't really bothered though, he seemed more determined, actually.

Lee: I'll show you how strong I am later, but the main reason I'm here is to woo the most beautiful girl here!

' He wants to woo Hinata? He's not her type... ' Y/n found himself thinking this, but it was surprising. When did he care if someone wanted to woo Hinata? ... Why was Hinata the first person in his mind when he said " most beautiful girl "? He hadn't ever put thought into someone being beautiful before... But he was suddenly ripped from his thoughts.

Kiba: Most beautiful girl? Who the hell are you talking about?

Lee suddenly turns and blushes.

Lee: Sakura! I love you!

Sakura: What?! NO!

' Oh. He meant Sakura. Well, he's certainly not very intelligent if he thinks that... ' Y/n thought to himself.

Lee then starts blowing kisses at Sakura, which weirds her out so much she began " dodging " the kisses.

Y/n: This is stupid. You're stupid.

Lee: Wha- Stupid? Don't you know anything about love?

Y/n: I know your taste in women is basically non-existent.

Sakura: H-Hey now!

Lee: Don't talk bad about Sakura!

Y/n rolls his eyes and Naruto charges Lee.

Naruto: If you wanna fight, fight me-

He's quickly cut off as Lee suddenly sweeps him off his feet and kicks him away.

Lee: Leaf Whirlwind!

' Taijutsu, interesting. ' Y/n thinks to himself as Sasuke activates his Sharingan before charging Lee and meeting the same fate as Naruto.

Lee: And next, I'll defeat Y/n!

He jumps up and brings his leg down hard, but is shocked to see Y/n holding him in the air with a single hand, gasping.

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