Aburame vs Master of Wind

243 13 9

Third person POV

Y/n: So, what have I missed?

Hinata: Shino is in a match with one of the Sand Genin... The girl.

Y/n: I see. Hinata, I...

He looks away and a light blush dusts his cheeks.

Y/n: I just... It's just... I appreciate you. Not... Just for this. I know it's not much, and you've been put down a lot... But, I wanted to say you're a good ninja, a good friend, and a good person.

Hinata smiles and kisses the demon's cheek.

Hinata: You're... A good friend too. I feel safe with you.

Y/n: Heh... It's odd... How close we are, I mean.

Hinata: Huh...? Why?

Y/n: In the beginning... I was cold to you, I wanted nothing to do with you... But now... I'd kill for you and I'd die for you.

He gently kisses her forehead.

Y/n: And... I want nothing more than to see you smile.

Hinata blushes and someone begins knocking on the door.

Hinata pulls away from the demon and opens the door, Naruto smiles and waves, making Hinata blush.

Y/n: ' She probably wants to be with him... Why am I... Why do I care? It's not like I love her... '

Hinata: I can step out...

Naruto: No, it's fine. I wanted to see Y/n.

He waves to the demon.

Y/n: Hey...

Naruto: Wassup? I'm sorry you went through all that trouble. If I hadn't froze up...

Y/n: Trouble? What trouble? I told you, nothing happened.

Naruto smiles and Y/n stands up.

Y/n: Let's go. I want to see how Shino does.

Hinata: Y-yes, of course!

Naruto: Believe it!

~ Small Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n ~

As the trio of Y/n, Hinata, and Naruto return to the area where the Chunin Exams were currently being held, they see that Shino was currently trying to keep Temari at bay.

Y/n: ' Her fan is a weapon as well... I suppose that makes sense. Even if Shino were to deploy flying insects, her fan would take care of them... His best bet is to somehow surround her with insects before she can notice. '

As the thought passes the demon, Temari throws her fan at the Aburame, who barely dodges out of the way.

Shino: Tch...!

Temari: Hah! Had enough, bug boy?

Shino glances at some bugs he sent to catch the wind user in a pincer, then shakes his head.

Shino: No, I can keep going...!

Temari catches her fan and leaps into the air, wind chakra began to build up around her fan and she brings it down like a hammer, but Shino ducks out of the way. However, the attack smashes and scatters many of Shino's bugs.

Temari: Run, run, run! You have to stop eventually!

Y/n: Temari of the Sand.

Temari looks over to Y/n, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

Temari: Hottie! You remember me?

Y/n: How could I forget such a beautiful face?

Temari's blush grows darker and Shino uses this to his advantage, striking her in the midsection and knocking the wind out of her before his bugs move in.

Temari: Urk... What a dirty trick...

Shino: Thanks, Y/n.

Y/n: Hn.

Hinata: ' I don't like her... '

Kiba: Yo, Y/n! Great job. Distraction action, am I right? Also, you look great for someone who was impaled.

Y/n: I don't know what you're talking about, I've had a fairly normal day.

Hinata: Y-Y/n...

Y/n: Huh?

Hinata: Is Temari pretty?

Y/n: I, er... Suppose.

Hinata: Prettier than me...?

Y/n: HELL NO! I mean... Er, no.

Hinata smiles and kisses his cheek, making the demon blush furiously.

Temari throws her fan at Shino again and smirks.

Temari: You're pretty sneaky.

Shino: What...?

Temari: You're trying to surround me with your creepy crawlies!

Shino: Damn...!

Temari leaps into the air and catches her fan and creates a huge gust of wind, blowing away all of the insects.

Shino: Tch!

Temari: Even though it was a trick earlier, Y/n did compliment me... So I'm in a pretty good mood. Surrender.

Shino sighs and hangs his head.

Shino: I... Give up.

Hayate: Umm... Well, you heard him... The winner of this fight is Temari of the Sand.

Shino walks over, sighing while he waves to Y/n.

Shino: Sorry, I didn't win.

Y/n: Don't be, you were great.

Shino smiles softly as the scoreboard comes to life again.

Hayate: Umm... The next match will be...

Y/n looks up at the scoreboard and sees his name.

Hayate: Y/n... L/n.

Y/n walks to the front and looks up at the scoreboard again. As if on cue, the scoreboard comes to life and reveals the demon's opponent - Gaara.

Hayate: Umm... The next fight is... Y/n L/n vs Gaara of the Sand...

Gaara walks forward, he and Y/n staring each other down, glaring daggers into their opponents.

Gaara: The Flying Shadow...

Y/n: Gaara...

Y/n loosens the bandages on his arm and smirks.

Y/n: I'm gonna send you to Hell.

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