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"Jesus, slow down!", Steve is slurring.

Ionna currently tries to drive a mini mall truck, while Erica and Dustin are squished next to her. Robin sits in the backseat with Steve, asking: "Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?"

Steve clarifies: "It's the Indy 300."

"No, dingus, it's 500!", Robin slurres.

"It's 300!"

"Let's say a million!", Robin shouts. Both are laughing loudly about their absolutely dumb joke.

Erica looks at them with big round eyes: "What's wrong with them?"

For the kids, they seem drunk. They talking uncontrolable bullshit and Steve is burning up.
Meanwhile Ionna leads the way, Dustin is worried about the stoned teens in sailor uniforms. Robin boops Dustin's nose, as he looks in Steve's eyes: "His pupils are super dilated."

"Maybe he's drugged.", Erica says and Ionna clarifies: "They definitely are.", still concentrating.

Dustin turns back to Steve: "Steve, are you drugged?"

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana.", Steve giggles.

"This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?", Dustin asks sternly.

Robin boops his nose again: "We all die, my strange little child friend. It's just a matter of how and when."

They laughing, till Ionna turns around and stretches her left hand just slightly out to Robin: "Look me in the eyes.", she forces Robin. Robin obeys. She has no power over it. Then Ionna let go: "They're just drugged, to force something out of them. Nothing serious. They will be fine."

Erica looks up to Ionna with wide eyes and a shocked expression: "That was creepy."

Robin shakes her head: "That was heavy. How did you do that? Are you psychic?"

Ionna turns back in leading the way: "You could say that.", she says, as they have to be quick. Finding a safe place and help.

They rushing into a cinema. Now on the screen is playing 'Back to the Future'. Ionna, who never saw a comedy-like novie, asks: "God, what is this?", she watches the screen, confused.

The three older teens sitting down and eyeing the film, as Dustin turns to Robin and Steve, saying: "Whatever you do, don't go anywhere."

Steve snickers: "Fine, Dad."

Dustin now turns to Ionna: "Can you watch them?" Ionna turns to the young boy: "Of course. You - be careful and look after Erica.", she says, as she points her finger on him.

Dustin nods: "I will. Promise."

"Why do i have the feeling, that Erica will have to watch over you?!", she raises her eyebrows, as she mumbles to herself.

After the movie was over, the three older teens rushed into a little hall, where a waterspender was. Robin and Steve are splitting their time to drink some water. Bad for Ionna, they still talking. "So, like, i wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but i'm pretty sure, that mom was trying to bang her Son."

"Wait, wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton's mom?", Steve asks, as he's holding his head under the water strain.

Robin leans into the wall behind her: "Yeah, i'm pretty sure."

Steve looks flabbergasted: "But they're the same age."

Ionna bangs her head against the wall behind her and rolls her eyes: "God, I wish I would be  drugged to."

Ionna Vasileva//Stranger Things fanficWhere stories live. Discover now