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At night, Ionna started to sweat. She's turning and breathing heavely..

"Как Вашидела, Семнадцать?"(How are you, Seventeen?)
A man asks a little girl about 16 years old, with green eyes, a hospital gown, and a buzzcut, sitting in front of monitors. She's about to go in a tank full of water.

The little girl doesn't answer. She stood completely still.
"Разве ты не хочешь поговорить со мной сегодня?"(Don't you want to talk to me today?)
Seventeen says nothing. Doesn't even look in his direction, as they were slowly lifting her up.

"найдете ли вы свой путь?"(Will you find your way?)
She just nods, and the people in white around her put a helm on her and let her dive in the water.
At first, she's just floating, glaring at the man in front of her. Between them, a thin wall of glass.
Then, she closed her eyes and found herself in total darkness.

She is bare feet, covered by water, sourrounding her, as if it was raining before. She was in the void now.

Suddenly, she hears footsteps, turns around, and sees a child turning around to face Seventeen. It's a girl. She has the same buzzcut as Seventeen, the same hospital gown, and the same concerned look on her face.

"Ты кто"(Who are you?)
Seventeen breaks the silence. The girl doesn't understand her, just approaches her slowly, lifts her arm, and shows her a number on her arm.


Seventeen usually sees everything as a thread, but the younger girl in front of her doesn't seem to be a thread. Now, she shows her arm. 017.
The girls smile slightly at each other, knowing that the other one will understand what's happening to them every day.

The girls were both startled by the sudden muffled scream. Seventeen gave the signal to Eleven, that she has to go now. Eleven just nods in understanding.

A moment later, Seventeen awakes. She was already out of the tank. The Man in front of her asking now: "Вы их нашли?"(Did you find them?)

"Нет."(No.) Seventeen simply answers.

"Что?"(What?) The man asks, slightly raising his voice at the 16 Year old.

The girl wasn't impressed by the outburst. It doesn't intimate her anymore. And that's what annoyed the man. He can't scare her anymore. She seems unfazed by any attempt of him, and he hated that.

"Я сказал нет!"(I said no!)
She stood up and started to breathe heaven. He will never hurt her again. No one will ever hurt her again. Her whole life, she was in this god forsaken lab. She will end it all, and she will end all of them.

That was the day she snapped.

Ionna woke up by that. She didn't have the dream since she's here in America. Something is incredibly wrong here, she thought. She had to talk to someone, but who could understand? She had a feeling that the girl Nancy Wheeler would understand and could possibly tell her what's going on here in Hawkins.

She will know if Nancy or someone else is lying to her. She'll always find a way to get what she wants. Ionna was always like that, and her telepathic abilities made everything easier.

Tomorrow, she will go and talk to Nancy. Not knowing that it will lead to another adventure, which will try to use her past against herself.

Ionna Vasileva//Stranger Things fanficWhere stories live. Discover now