"Bye". She's definitely bring a guy later.

I live alone, most of the time. But once in a while my sister will crash in my couch after a party or if she is tired of her dorm. Which is fine as long as she doesn't destroy anything and lets me know when she'll be over in case I'm away. I had given her a key but I like to know when to expect her.

I get to the bureau like every other day but today I'm going to the 6th floor. I tap the button and I let out a breath as the elevator closes. I look at my watch to confirm that I'm on time.

It's like every other day.

I've done this before.

It's the same, just with different people.

New people...

I got this.


The elevator opens and I head to Agent Hotchner's office. As I walk through the bullpen, I can feel everyone's eyes on me but I do my best to ignore them.

His door is open but I knock anyway to get his attention. "Agent Hotchner?"

He looks up from the papers he was reading and almost smiles "SSA Barnes. Please come in" he says.

I walk in and I close the door behind me. "I expected looks but I thought profilers would be better at 'look discreetly'" I say

He chuckles "Yes, I'm sorry about that. But they are good at their jobs"

"That's what I've heard" I admit.

"Are you ready for today?" he asks

"Always ready" I answer

"Great" he replies and stands up.
"Welcome to the BAU" he shakes my hand.

"Is there anything I should know before I start?" I ask

"Now that you asked, I would appreciate it if you didn't mention to the team that you're here to take over my place eventually. I'd like to tell them when it's time"

"Of course"

"Thank you. Would you like me to show you to your new office?" he suggests

"Yes please" I reply and I follow him.

Damn, this man... He always looks incredible in his suits. I can't help but admire every time I run into him in meetings.
Or when I see him in the garage as he gets out of his beautiful black Porsche Cayenne in the mornings.
I guess that's where his paycheck is going. Good for him. Meanwhile, my paycheck is going to my sister's nursing school.

Anyway, I don't see a ring on his finger anymore. But now he's my boss and then I'm going to be his boss.
Wrong timing.

My office is next to his; the second of the three that are on the platform.
He opens the door for me and we walk inside.

"Like you noticed, my office is on your left and Agent Rossi's office is next door on your right. Don't hesitate to come find us if you need anything" he says as I take a look around.

The furniture and decor is identical to his. A desk, a chair, an empty library behind it, two more chairs on the other side of the desk, a small couch and coffee table across.

"We have a new case. Briefing begins in 5 minutes" he adds

"Great. Thank you"

"I'll let you settle in" he says and walks away.

As soon as I sit down my phone rings.
"Good morning. Did you already burn down my department?" I ask

"Of course not, Lexie. But having your office is pretty great" she answers

"Yeah. Don't get too used to it" I reply. Zoe is my ex-colleague and good friend. She is taking over my position in Child Abductions while I'm with the BAU.

"In other news, how is life on the 6th floor? Is he as hot as you remember?" she asks causing me to chuckle

"Oh yes. And I think that he is divorced now"

"What? Go get him tiger"

"No. Not yet at least. Maybe in 7 months when I'll be out of here"

"Whatever you say boss. Oh wait..."

"Shut up. Take good care of my children there and don't break anything"

"Don't worry, we're fine. I'll come find you if I have time later"

"Ok, I'll be waiting".

I see Agent Hotchner coming from the window so I put my phone down.
"We're getting started" he informs me

"Ok. I'll call you later ZoZo" I try to finish the call

"Was that him? Was that his voic--" I hang up before she could finish.

"I'm sorry about that. I was checking in with Child Abductions; making sure my kids are behaving" I explain as I follow him

"I get it" he chuckles.

We walk inside a room with 6 other people sitting in the round table
"Good morning everyone. I hope you remember that we have a new recruitment. This is SSA Alexandra Barnes, she's coming from Child Abductions. Agent Barnes, these are SSA's David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau--"

"JJ is fine" she adds

"Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Dr Spencer Reid and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia" he continues.

I shake hands with everyone as he introduces them to me
"It's nice to meet you. And please, just call me Lexie" I add.

"Let's get started" Agent Hotchner says as we sit down.

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