Chapter 10

300 11 8

We in the two digits for the chapter numbers

Fr I haven't updated it forever

3rd Person POV
Footsteps were soft yet so loud. Every step felt heavier and heavier. Every second that went by were struggled to hold onto. Time was passing. Passing too quickly.

"Wake up." George said, kicking at Quackity's chest. Quackity made a grunt of pain, before fluttering his eyes open. He saw a crack of light before the world reappeared in front of him. He was in a cell, most likely a basement of somewhere. There were jail bars for some odd reason, but enough stuff to survive. There were a few chests of stuff, signs say there's a chest full of food, although quite rotten and expired, still food. Hopefully won't get sick from eating that. There was another chest of water. There was a sink and a toilet, like usual. A mirror, probably to reflect, although, maybe just to see how tortured somebody looks after being here. There were no sources of entertainment, the only entertainment is to stare into the drooping lava slowly descending from above. How did he even get lava?

Everything that happened fell back into his memory. Right.. He was kidnapped by George for not helping him kill Technoblade. Great. Kidnapped by a friend. So, so fun.

He was no longer unconscious. No longer asleep. No longer able to dream and forget about this happening. It was time to face his dreadful life.

"What do you want?" Quackity yawned, stretching his arms up. George kicked at him again. "Stop fucking kicking me!" Quackity demanded, staring straight into George's eyes, which was full of anger and jealousy.

"We wouldn't be here, if you just accepted my offer. Why didn't you? You're a fucking assassin. I even said you could get double whatever your highest pay is. Is that not enough?"

'Of course it isn't when whoever you want me to kill is my boyfriend's brother.' Quackity rolled his eyes. "No, money isn't everything dumbass. And I doubt you have enough to pay me. Double my best pay is like.. 3 million dollars!" Quackity told him, with a slightly small smug-filled smile(alliteration :o).

"Ugh, since when did you care about love? It's not like you get any bitches." George laughed. "Why would you assume that it's love?" George shrugged. "But still, you don't get bitches." Quackity was pissed. Wait. Wilbur isn't a bitch. "Yeah duh. Why would I want a bitch when I have a hot, famous boyfriend~" Quackity's head began to fill with pictures of Wilbur, being so epically cute and handsome.

He was snapped out of his daydream by his annoying 'fRiEnD'. "Pffftt, as if that will happen. Stop the cap. Stop dreaming." George laughed again.

Quackity rolled his eyes, knowing full well that his boyfriend is truly alive, truly famous, and truly hot, and truly his boyfriend. "Why are you here anyways? Why am I here? Am I not allowed to decline and reject anything that comes up?"

"Well this is important. Anyways, I told your 'Baby' or whatever that he/she had to help me kill Technoblade or you'll die." Quackity's face dropped from shock. "WHAT! THAT'S SUCH A HARD CHOICE!" He blurted, before covering his mouth. He wasn't meant to say that.

"Why would you say that?" George questioned. Quackity looked around to find anything to distract George with. He was unable to find anything. Just have to play it cool.

Quackity POV
"O-oh! No reason!" Dammit already stuttering. Shitttttt. "Right.." I smiled nervously. "Anyways." He said. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn't ask me further. "We gotta wait for your partner. They sure seem like they're taking a while to decide. I mean, it's either you or Technoblade, someone random they probably don't even know! How easy is that! Yet they're late." George ranted on and on about how annoying my boyfriend is. He doesn't even know if I'm dating a guy or girl.

It'll be hard for Will.. Choosing between me and his family. If that was me I would be so undecidable. What even is the time? Can't be that late, right?

"George, what even is the time?" I asked. "It's.. 9 am. Not that early, not that late. But the fact that your partner is taking over 6 hours to decide makes it really late. For him, at least." There he goes ranting again.

Not gonna lie, it's not too bad of a experience. I mean, we're still friends, well I don't know if I'll still consider him as a friend but still, and, we've been just chatting. Other than the fact he kicked me a few times, nothing actually bad has happened, if you don't count him texting Wilbur at least.

I wonder how long he'll take. Hopefully it'll be quick. I really wanna get out of this.. basement. It's so damn boring. "This cell is so damn boring." I complained.

"Okay, you wanna get tortured or something?" George asked, rolling his eyes. "Where did you even get this lava? What the hell?"

"We don't talk about that. Anywaysssss when the hey is your partner getting here? They're taking too long." George complained. "As if I would know." I said. "You took my phone."

George just rolled his eyes.

Wilbur POV
Ughh.. What time is it? I grabbed my phone and checked. Shit! 9:02am already?! I need to get to Techno!

I dashed into the building, ignoring workers who screamed at me. Does it look like I give a fuck about being not allowed to be here?

I knocked on Techno's office door frantically. After a bit J just got impatient and swung the door open. No one.. Where the hell. What the hell?

Where is Technoblade. Where the fuck is he. I ran to the first worker I saw. "Ma'am!" She had a pretty shade of brown hair with her bangs dyed blonde. Her brown eyes were sparkling with kindness. "Yes sir? What seems to be the problem?"

"Do you know where Technoblade is? I want to see him, he's my brother." I explained quickly, impatient to find him. "Oh! Alright. You can ask the counter at the front or if he's awake, as the Boss. I'm 90% sure Technoblade is Boss's assistant."

Okay perfect. "Okay, thanks Ma'am!" I said, waving, before taking off. Not long later realising I didn't know where I was. Shit. I wandered around for a bit until a saw a golden name tag on a door. It read ''Dreamwastaken'. Perfect.

I knocked consistently, but silence overtook my ears. I sighed but opened the door. I'm not meant to do this but.. it's for the greater good.

There was no one. No Techno, nor Dream. I noticed another door though, so I silently crept over and cracked the door open ever so slightly. I glanced and saw a sleeping Dream hugging Techno.

So that's what they've been doing..

Omg I'm done :D
1169 words ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

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