Chapter 9

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Bro my upload schedule is absolutely crap and confusing-

Half this chapter was made when I was sick lol
Enjoy though :D

Phil POV
I haven't seen Techno is so long, and he barely texts me anymore. Like, ever since he got accepted into his job, he hasn't really been replying to me much.

Although he did come back. But it's been.. uhhh.. a few days since he's come back. And his favourite books are getting dusty! Where is he?

Phil - Mate you alright? Haven't seen you in a bit, kinda worried.

I sighed, and relaxed on the couch again. It was nice a peaceful. If you don't count Tommy and Wilbur shouting upstairs.

"PHIL PHIL PHIL!" Tommy shouted, running towards me. "Woahhh Tommy you alright?"

"Wilbur fucking said he has more women than me! Tell him I have more!" Of course, this situation again. I sighed, slightly chuckling.

"Phillllllllllllll" Tommy whined, starting to shake me. "Alright, alright." I stood up, and followed Tommy, who was running towards Wilbur's room. We walked past Techno's room, and I sighed sadly, but I couldn't sigh long, as Tommy shouted my name again.


3rd Person POV
"Please, help me." George asked, or another way to say it, begged. "I-" the other guy said. "Please! I'll pay you, more than your most expensive pay.?" He sounded uncertain, but surprisingly, didn't take it back.

"His brother is so cute though.." the guy mumbled under his breath. Of couse being an assassin had its downsides. "Pardon?" George said, confused. "Nothing, nothing."

"Quackity, please. Please. I really want to kill that bitch. Pleaseee" Quackity sighed.

Quackity POV
I can't. Wilbur will hate me. I can't stand to watch Wilbur hate me because I decided to help a friend. "I-I'm sorry George.." He sighed. I looked down. "You can leave now.." I told him.

I turned around, about to go back and watch TV before a pain hit the back of my head. Black dots started appearing in my vision and then I fell. Fallen into the darkness. Fallen into the void. Into a big mistake. A trapped mistake.

Dream POV
I blinked my eyes from hearing a small 'ping!'. I tried to sit up, but Techno's arm was around my waist.

"Bacon.." I yawned. "Mmmm" he stirred, before finally loosening his grip to sit up and stretch. I did the same. "What is it?" He asked, half-asleep. His eyes were still closed and his hair was messy it's adorable.

"Your phone pinged and it woke me up." I told the other, who grabbed his phone.

I watched as his eyes speed-read something and then his fingers swiftly moving about to hit the right keys. "You're staring, Smiles." He said. I turned my head, flustered.

I got my phone out to see the notifications.

Snapmap - Ayo dude. How you doing? Wanna play some Minecraft at some point? Kinda bored.

Me - Okay man

To my surprise, he replied almost instantly.

Snapmap - Damn didn't think you'd be awake at this time.

Me - Says you, what you doing rn?

Snapnap - Nothing much, chilling

Me - Then why you say that? It's only.. oh.

Snapnap - Yes bro, it's fricking 1am What you doing so early?

Me - Tell me your reason first.

Snapnap - Uhh.. uhm- no

Me - ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

Snapnap - Shut up.

"Dream when you're done I wanna go back to sleep." Techno said, already getting under the covers. I smiled.

Me - I gtg, cya!

Snapnap - Cya

I placed my phone back on the bedside table and tightly hugged Techno, giving him a peck on the forehead.

"I love you." I whispered. "Me too."

Wilbur POV
Huh? I just heard a phone buzz. I look to see Phil's phone slightly vibrating again. Both the blondes were asleep, us all on the couch with pajamas on. So, I got Phil's phone.I opened it to see him messages with Techno.

Hmm, I haven't seen him in a long time, that is true. Then there was another buzz. Not from Phil's phone though. I placed it down and walked towards the sound. It was my phone.

My phone was decorated with a scrapbook designed phone case, under the topic of myself, Wilbur Soot Minecraft, if you didn't know. My phone case is absolutely excellent, don't you agree?

Anyways, I opened my phone. A message from Quackity! How nice. I smiled.

Babe♥️ - Hello Wilbur Soot.

Wait. This doesn't sound like Quackity. He normally says something like:


He doesn't speak formal. Strange.

Me - Hey baby ;)

Babe♥️ - Sorry, this is not Quackity on the phone.

Oh. That's.. awkward.

Me - That's kinda awkward. What you doing on his phone though?

Babe♥️ - *insert pic*

The person sent a picture of Quackity tied up in a chair, passed out. He was blindfolded and there was something in his mouth. What. The. Fuck.


Babe❤️ - Alright, so what's gonna happen is, you help me kill Technoblade, Quackity is released. You don't, Quackity is killed.

Me - ...

Me - I need time to think. Please don't hurt Quackity while I do.

What do I do? Techno is my brother, but Quackity is my partner. He is my possible future.. Yet.. family. What do I do? What could I do?

Babe♥️ - Also fyi, the more longer you take to decide, the more bruises and cuts Quackity is going to get. If you do decide to help me, meet me at xxxxxxxxx. You can bring anyone who wants to kill Technoblade. Have fun~

Shit. Now I really didn't know what to do. I have to decide quick. I ran out of the house still in pajamas to go to where Techno works. He told me he'll work there in case I needed to see him.

After around 15 minutes, I arrived. It was locked. Of course it was it's like 1am. Ah shit why did I come all this way?

I sighed, and drove back home(smh waste of gas). I opened the door quietly, grabbed a midnight snack and went up. After I finished my food I lied on my bed. I needed to save my Quackity. But how am I meant to save Quackity without killing Techno? Plus Quackity is going to get tortured if I don't choose quickly.

I needed to come up with a plan, but I couldn't. It was night. So I just pulled the cover and tried to fall asleep. This is bad. Terrible. Horrific.

Who is this guy anyways?

So far, people want me to do both, like both Techno and Dream and married, and continue the plot. Very well then. I guess we'll wait.

Anyways, byeeeeee

1119 words


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