Fruitful Meeting

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Edit The Following:

1.) Just corrected a pronoun regarding Nagumo!


Ayanokouji POV

When I opened the door to class all eyes looked directly at me, aside from the smug blond at the back, he was combing his hair. What did I do now? I ignored their gaze and simply went to my seat, sighing as I sat down.

"I really got to hand it to you Leader-kun, not one day has passed and you already boosted your popularity."

I looked behind me to see Ichihashi with a teasing smile on her face.

"Does this have to do with the collective gaze everyone gave me as I entered the room?"

Ichihashi grinned wider as she leaned closer to me.

"Is it true that Ryūen and the student council wanted to meet you?"

Ah, so news of yesterday's events did troublesome.

"Well yes, I'll be meeting the student council later though."

"Is it also true that you stood your ground against  Ryūen?"

This feels like its been a bit exaggerated.

"Stood my ground? I was quite scared like everybody else."

"I call bs."

Ichihashi and I quickly looked at the guy seated at my right who just spoke.

"Hey, didn't really got the chance to introduce myself yesterday, but I'm Okitani Kyōsuke."

"Nice to meet you Okitani."

He gave me a small nod as a response.

"So Leader-kun is lying?"

"Definitely, I was there when it happened and this guy didn't even flinch when  Ryūen threw a punch at him."

"Eeeh~ Is that so?"

Ichihashi went back to looking at me with such a teasing expression, apparently she believes Okitani's words more than mine. I really wanted to ask something, but I guess I'll just look up later on the internet what 'BS' means.

"I was really nervous, I just have trouble expressing myself."


"Whatever you say Leader-kun~"

Well that didn't work as well...And what does 'Cap' mean? Another thing to search for.


It was the last subject for the day, it was Chabashira-sensei who was teaching, unlike yesterday, she was stern and serious, not one moment did she grin or smirk. I have been observing the class and luckily everyone has been attentive to the teachers or at least tries to be as much as they can, as for me though I'm simply pretending to listen to the lectures since everything that has been discussed was something I learned already. Right now I was just using the time to formulate my plans and evaluate the class.

Luckily for me, Okitani decided to invite me to lunch earlier, giving me an opportunity to meet some of the other guys in class, I felt relieved that they didn't isolate me after calling me a ikemen. There was some interesting personalities among them like Okitani, who was unconsciously giving me a list of things to search for, Sotomura, who was called 'Professor' for his knowledge of gadgets and anime, which thanks to Eichiro, was a word I recognize and Onizuka, who had a passion for E-sports. It was interesting to note as well that talking about girls was a common thing among them, I even got interrogated for having lunch with the 'Angel of Class D', which I guess was a fitting title for Kushida considering how nice she acts to everyone.

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