"Love, I am so ugly I scare people." He mused and she laughed at this. "You fool, they are scared of you cause when we are in public you never smile. Idiot." She laughed and he blushed slightly. "So, you want a tiny army of me running around here? I think you have lost your mind..." he chuckled and she rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe he was so insecure about how people saw him. She found him extremely handsome and she didn't understand how looking at his own reflection he would have ever come to the conclusion he wasn't...

As they walked through town she noticed all the women calling out to him and waving at him and the twinge of jealousy that reared its head caused her to glare at them. The moment they saw her they all looked away. "I take it back, you and your lack of smiling isn't why people fear you... might be me mean mugging every woman who looks at you." Hinata admitted softly and he quirked a brow at her. "They were looking at me? I didn't know what was going on, now that I know you're the scary one I feel better." He laughed and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Sometimes you get on my nerves." She grumbled as they stepped up to Neji's home and knocked on the door. The door was ripped open and he stared at her in fear. "Hinata I swear I-" "Neji, it's ok... let us in so we can help you process." She mused and he stepped away from the door. A single glance at the girl had Hinata in shock. "Oh my..." she began and the girl looked at Hinata and blushed. "Airi..." Hinata whispered and the girl looked down to her hands in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Hinata-chan... I didn't tell you because we were worried what you would think..." Airi said and Hinata smiled at her and rushed over to hug the girl. "Madara, this is Hashirama's little cousin Airi." That was all Hinata had to say before Madara too started panicking. He grabbed a hold of Neji and started shaking him back and forth while pelting him with questions. Hinata and Airi looked from one to another in confusion. Hinata sat beside the brunette girl on the couch and held her hand gently. Her soft green eyes were full of worry and Hinata couldn't quite figure out why... that was until it dawned on her what side of the family Airi was from.

"Akane's niece?!?" her mouth went dry and she looked over to Madara and Neji who were still arguing back and forth. Akane was originally an albino Inuzuka before she married into the Senju. Hence the rugged personality. "She's going to kill you." Hinata said and Neji glared at her. "Thanks for the moral support dammit!" he snapped and she couldn't help but laugh. She looked back to Airi who was just waiting for the two men to stop their bickering.

"Are you happy Airi?" Hinata asked her and she nodded with a bright smile. "Good, then that should be all that matters... why don't we come with you both to tell Akane?" she offered and Madara choked audibly. "I don't think that is a good idea..." he said and she rolled her eyes. "You guys are being a bit dramatic don't you think?" she asked and both of them shook their heads. Hinata rolled her eyes once more before moving to open the door. The moment her hand touched the handle she felt that all to familiar aura that froze her in her tracks. She backed away from the door slowly and made herself comfortable on the couch.

She didn't want to be in the middle of anything that was about to happen, although she knew she was going to get pulled into it anyways. They heard the knock at the door and Neji went to answer it, but before he could reach for it to slide it open it was forced open and an angry Akane stood before them. "Neji!" she hissed and narrowed her eyes at him. He closed his eyes and prepared for the verbal beating he was about to receive, but it never came. Instead, she hugged him tightly.

"Welcome to the family Neji!!!" she squealed excitedly and he sighed from her embrace. Akane released him and rushed over to Airi who was excited for her aunt to approve. She watched as they all worked everything out and Akane told them that anything they needed help with she would be right there ready to help. Hinata wondered if she was going to be this excited when Tobirama and Izuna came to her about their plans of eventually adopting, she figured Akane would be because the woman loved children. It wasn't long before Aurora made her way into the house and began congratulating Neji as well, claiming him as her other son and telling him she was excited for her grandbaby to be brought into the world.

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