I've missed you terribly

Start from the beginning

Kol Mikaelson then stepped into the room. "Well if it isn't the Mystic Falls gang come a calling!" He smiled a wide grin at everyone and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Thank you for that!" Caroline glared at him. "Good thing the rooms are saged so she could get some uninterrupted sleep!"

"Damon, what did you say to him to piss him off already?" Stefan asked bored.

"I just opened the fucking door," Damon grunted. Kol had likely heard his declaration of love.

Kol rolled his eyes. "Well it's been lovely chatting with you lot, but I've got a witch to see." Kol turned to the stairs at a normal pace but Elena flashed in front of him, Damon at her heels. He scowled. "Doppelgänger," he warned but Elena held her hands up in peace.

"Just hear us out Kol, Bonnie's resting right now. She's been through a lot. You can see her in a while but we need to talk."

"Elena Gilbert, the day I trust you or anyone from the Petrova line will likely be the day I meet my true death!" He spit out. He flipped Elena around and out of his path with vampire speed, then flashed up the stairs. Listening for the only beating heart in the boarding house led him to the room she was sleeping in and gently opened the door. With his bionic vampire hearing he heard the vampires downstairs arguing about just giving him a minute. He smirked and tuned them out. As if they could stop him from seeing his witch.

Kol's breath caught when he saw the slumbering witch. He went to stand over her, taking in her beauty amidst her tattered state, and she stirred in her sleep. He stepped forward, placed a gentle hand on her cheek, and closed his eyes, clearing his mind. He focused into her mind to see her dreams. She was plagued with nightmares of a tall young man with jet black hair, tormenting her and chasing her. Everywhere she tried to hide he would find her and start draining her magic. Oh, it was bad, whatever this siphon wanker did to her. Kol shifted her dreams to one where he and Bonnie were practicing illusion spells. On the outside stroked her hair and her eyes fluttered open gently and she locked eyes with him for a second. Then her eyes rolled closed, she shifted, and fell back into her dreams, with a smile forming on her face. She did indeed need her rest, as her dreams were draining and he would respect that. He just wanted to see his little love.

He kissed her cheek and headed back downstairs, murder in his eyes.


Elena and Damon's POV

Back in the foyer, Damon glared at Elena. "Excuse me for trying to keep the peace!" She said. "He would've thrown you around again and Bonnie really doesn't need a commotion right now."

"You're right, Gilbert. I should be thanking you." He made his crazy eyes at her.

"But you're not."

He smiled something evil. "Nope!"

God, he could be such a child. She rolled her eyes and pushed past him. "You're an ass. We should've just let her go home." She looked at Caroline and Stefan. "Stefan, Care I'll be outside if you need me."

"Elena, she's not safe in a human home. It's better that she stays here, Psycho siphon won't be back anytime soon. Well, as long as crazy eyes doesn't do anything else stupid!" Caroline announced, giving Damon a pointed look.

"Hey, hey all I did was come up with an actual solution to Bonnie's obsessive siphon problem while you all sat around and came up with Jack squat! It seems like I'm the only one who actually cares about keeping the witch safe." Damon's nostrils flared. He was getting sick of everyone doubting his ability to help Bonnie and coming down on the one thing he could do to help, even if it meant bringing Kol onboard. All that mattered was that she was safe. He had grown enough during his time with Bonnie to know that if you love someone, sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures in order to protect them.

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