The prophecy that dooms us all

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AN: In the wake of a prophecy, uneasy alliances are formed and Bonnie needs to learn a new type of magic.

This story is LOOSELY canon-based, and I mean so loose that there's barely a mention of Silas as a legend and it's my own interpretation on how they will find a cure with no meddling from Silas or Shane. Basically, we're going in another direction.

**It should be noted that I don't own these characters

Elijah's POV

Klaus was rambling about something but Elijah was paying no attention as he was deep in thought. He failed to make sense of the power his mother harnessed since she rose. As an intermediate-skilled witch, she nearly perished from over-exertion doing the spell that birthed the Mikaelson's into their undead life. And on this day when she suddenly attacked, he felt the magic throughout the mansion that reanimated her. It was as if she's been a seasoned witch for thousands of years, far too much power she could ever behold.

"What is it, Elijah?" Klaus strolled over to his older brother, speaking so lowly that his words were inaudible to anyone else with supernatural hearing.

"Have you observed that our mother has been able to harness double the power than in her first life without reaching the point of exertion?" The elder Mikaelson responded in the same hushed tone.

"What are you getting at?"

"Esther now manifests a great deal of power than in her first lifetime. My concern being, where did all this power come from?"

Elijah saw the look on his hybrid brother's face, he too had realized something was amiss. Elijah threw the bottom of his suit jacket behind his hip and slipped a hand into the pocket of his pants.

"I need to pay Bonnie Bennett a visit. I believe she and Elena may know something about Esther's power since they had words the night of the ball."

"Why not have Kol do it? He clearly fancies her."

"So much he's protecting her, despite her and her companions' part in Esther's treachery. From what, I'm not certain."

"Very well then, leave the witch to me." Klaus smiled his friendly but blatantly unscrupulous smile. Elijah knew it all too well and couldn't let Klaus's impulsive nature or usual intimidation tactics put a damper on their already uneasy alliance.

"I'll see to it, Niklaus," Elijah countered, mentally rolling his eyes. "The last thing we need is another reason for you to dagger Kol when he inevitably retaliates for you interfering with him and the witch. With any of us vulnerable, Esther would have an advantage."

Elijah, fulfilling his daily need to remind him that ensuring the survival of their family was the objective.

"Whatever you do Elijah, we need to maintain the pretense of an alliance."

"For now."

"Of course, brother." Klaus's grin widened. "We can't let Stefan and his mates' planned deceit go unpunished, now can we?"


Damon's POV

Stefan flashed into the boarding house at lightning speed and pinned Damon by his throat against a wall.

"Well, hello to you too, brother. Did you find your precious Elena?" The elder Salvatore bit out through clenched teeth.

"You didn't even tail the hunter!" His younger brother hissed back.

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