Chapter 10: Life's A Bitch

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!~TW Mentions of abuse, Strong language~!

Luz pov


No please s-stop, I-I'm sorry. "You disobeyed me!! You deserve this." I'm s-sorry p-please stop, I-I'll never d-disobey you a-again. Just please stop! "No! If you just listen to me this wouldn't happen!" "Luz!!" I heard someone calling my name. Help!!! "No one is here to help you!! Do you understand!!?" Y-yes I u-understand. "Luz wake up!!" the person yelled again, it sounded like a girl. I felt my body being shaken by something... or someone. Please I don't want this!! Just let me go!! "No this is to fun for me to stop. You are going to sit here and take this!!". "LUZ!!!"

Amity pov


Luz has been asleep for like 4 hours now but I haven't even been able to get 30 minutes of sleep. I don't know why but it feels impossible for me to sleep, maybe it's because I want to protect her or if it is because she is sleeping on me like a dog. I looked down at her face "Why is she so cute?" 'Wait- did I just say that outloud?' "Well it's true she is cute even when she is trying to be scary. Titan I love her so much" I thought aloud to myself. I noticed that a piece of her hair fell in her face so I went to tuck it behind her ear when she started shaking harshly. "No- st- s-sorr-" Luz muttered "Luz? Hey hey it's ok." I said setting my hand on her back. She continued to shake violently, "-plea- n-nev- ag-ain". I saw tears fall from her eyes and her breathing became heavy. "Luz!!" I whisper-yelled. She started to whimper, obviously distressed. "Luz wake up!!" I said worried "D-don't- th-thi-" she whimpered more. I tried to shake her awake, but she didn't wake up "LUZ!!!" I yelled loudly. She quickly got off of me and looked around frantically. "Luz, hey it's ok. You're ok, nothings gonna happen." I said comfortingly touching her arm. Her breathing became faster and faster. She looked at my eyes, then my hand, and back to my eyes. Her eyes began to move around and shake rapidly. She started to pull on her hair and whine. Her dilating eyes still shook and still kept looking into mine, but behind the fear was desperation. She looked at me with that desperate expression. I gently took her arms and moved them down so she would not yank her hair out. I said to her "Luz it's me, it's Amity, you don't have to be scared. I'm right here, nothing is going to hurt you". She looked down and sniffled. "Why me?" "What? What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Why me? Why did I get chosen to have the MOST FUCKED UP LIFE?!! I'm so sick of it, dead dad, fucked up stepfather, shitty school, the WORST nightmares. I'm just done, I can't do it anymore Ami, I can't". I looked at her confused for a second until I realised what she meant by that. "No Luz, y-you're not gonna do that. We all love you too much, I get it your life hasn't been good but please don't." I pleaded. "Look Ami, I'm not there yet but just being here, in this house, in this realm, makes me think of everything bad that's happe-" she was cut off by her mother slamming open her door. "Luz! You're home!!" Camila yelled happily running over to Luz. Willow and Em ran into the doorway "Sorry we told Ed and Gus that Luz was here and they told Camila right after we told them not to. Also she heard Amity scream but nonetheless. We tried to stop her from coming up here but... yea" Emira said. "Luz give me a hug!" Camila yelled with excitement, Luz got up from the bed and started walking to the door. "Luz! Please" Camila asked, Luz slowly turned around "*sigh* No, mom, I'm not gonna give you a hug. I don't want a hug, I just had the nightmare, that I told you about years ago but, that's besides the point. I am not in the mood to give or get a hug." Luz said crossing her arms. "Oh... I'm sorry mija" Camila said as her mood changed into sadness. "Can you guys leave? I need to talk to my mother".

Luz pov


Willow and Emira nodded as they walked out of sight. Amity stood up and took a step to the door "No I want you to stay please." I begged. "Oh uhhh... yea sure." Amity said. I led her back to the bed and sat down with her. "Mom," "Yes mija?" "why did you... no nevermind I know why. I'm just gonna say it, I don't love you anymore. Now before you freak out I will say this, you can earn back my love for you." I said. "Oh ok, umm how can I do that?" Mami asked "Just be kind to me, don't yell at me, don't boss me around, and let me do what I want, and we'll be good." Mom nodded. She covered her face and sighed "Ok mom if you have something to say just say it." I commented. "Ok... I signed you up for school." I looked at her with anger on my face. "And since your friends told me that they can't go home for a while, I signed them up too". I looked at her with a bitter and psychotic face "You did what...?". "I signed yo-" mom started "No I know what you did and I'm pissed." I said as calmly as I could. "Well Luz you have to go to school and so do your friends." Mom repeated. "WHY!?! You fucking KNOW what those people did and now you're having my GOOD. FUCKING. FRIENDS. see that!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK CAMILA!!!" I yelled. I was so angry I couldn't control it anymore. "Luz I'm sorry hunny but-" I cut her off "Get. Out. Now." she raised her hand out to me "NO MOM!! GET- *sigh* get out." "Ok but school starts tomorrow." she said as she left. "Yea ok!" I yelled out the door *sigh* i grabbed my wallet. "Wait, where are you going?" Amity asked "I'm going to get food, and I kinda just want to get out of the house. Might stop by school too." I explained. "C-can I come with?" I went over to her and took her hand In mine. We went downstairs and saw the twins, Willow and Gus. "Hey guys you wanna get some food?" I questioned them. "Ooooo, ok!!" Gus exclaimed. Everyone else accepted and I saw that mom was in the kitchen looking for food "Hey guys wait right here. I'll be back in a sec" I said walking over to mom. "Hey mom, ima take the guys to get some food, what do you want to eat?" I asked. "Oh umm I'll take a burger and fries I guess" she said. "Ight, I'll be back in a bit, see you later." "Bye mija, have a good time!" Mom shouted.

~Time Skip~

We've been walking for about 10-15 minutes and I think Ed is dying. "Are we there!?! My feet are killing me." And there is confirmation. I look ahead of me to see that we are at Wendy's. "Hey guys we're here," I say "YAY!! Thank Titan" Ed says. "But before we go in I have some rules." "Aww" Ed and Gus protest "First, no running around touching every or anything. Second, you can choose 1 meal so, burger, chicken nuggets, fries and a drink but no more because i don't have much money". "Is that it?" Em asked "Oh yea one more thing, you MUST sit with me and do not go more than 20 feet away." I finished. At this point Ed was bouncing up and down excited. I walked to the door and opened it. Amity and Em walked in but Gus and Ed on the other hand. "Are you guys coming or what?" I asked sarcastically. "Yup!" Ed said running in the door and Gus started walking over. when we got inside we went to the counter and got our meals. It took forever since Ed is stupid and kept playing around and Gus started to cry because he was overwhelmed with the options. But after that whole situation, we all sat down at a booth. Amity and Emira sat next to me, me in the middle with Amity at the window. About 10 minutes after we sat down, the waiter gave us out food. I got the Bourbon Bacon Burger, small fry, and ice water, Amity got a Baconator and a Coke. Ed ordered chicken nuggets and fries, no drink, Gus got the same but with a frostie. Em ordered a chicken sandwich and a sprite.

As we ate, Gus and Ed were having a existential crisis because of the food. Em was just happy she was eating good food. But Amity, she barely ate her food. She loves to eat human food, she says that it is very unhealthy but that it's worth it. I leaned over to her "Hey Amity are you ok?" I whispered in her ear. She didn't do anything but nod, "Hey Emira could you move for a quick sec?" she stood up, out of the way. I grabbed Amity's hand and dragged her to the bathroom. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked "I don't know, my stomach started hurting a little while ago". "Do you wanna go home? Cuz I can order mom's food and we can leave. I'm sure if Gus and Ed knew you weren't feeling well, they wouldn't be mad." I assured. "Can we?" she practically begged. "Yea let's go" I led her out of the restroom. "Hey guys it's time to go. Ima order mom's food then we're going." "Aww ok" Gus pouted. I ordered mom's food, tiped, and we left Wendy's, but on the way home I noticed Amity was falling behind. I handed my food to Em and went over to Ami, "Hey Ami are you feeling worse?" she nodded a small 'yes'. I could see her become more pale than normal. "Hey L-Luz I d-don't feel ver-". She fainted but before she could hit the ground I caught her. I picked her up bridal style "Ok guys we gotta get home fast." I said running in front of them. "Wait-" Willow ran up to me "What's wrong with her?" she asked "I think she's sick. Let's just get her home, we're almost there." Willow agreed and I started to run to the house with the others following behind me.

We got to the house and got inside. My mother was worried about Amity. "What happened to her?!" Mom intarigated. "I don't know! I think she got sick or something, she was fine on the way to Wendy's then when the food came out she didn't look ok!! She looked super pale!' I yelled worriedly. "Ok, put her on the couch." Mom demanded and I listened. I set her on the sofa as gently as I could. Mom checked Ami's temperature and her pulse, she checked everything she could. Nothing was wrong. "What! No something has to be wrong, she passed out in front of me!! She's passed out now!" I yelled in frustration. "Luz there is nothing physically wrong with her, so if nothing is wrong I can't do anything. I'm sorry." "No it-its ok mom. I know you can't do anything. I'm just worried about her is all." I knelt next to Amity and looked her beautiful face. Tears started to spill from my eyes as I grabbed her hand. I felt a hand on my back, it turned out to be Willow. "Hey Luz I know you're worried about her, we all are, but it's Amity. We all know that she's gonna be ok." Willow comforted. I sighed, I knew Willow was right but I just couldn't shake off this feeling. I felt this feeling of anger but also suspicion. "Yea..." I said monotonous "I'm going to my room." I stood up and reached out to Amity. "Hey aren't you going to your room?" Em asked. "Yea and I'm taking her with me" I picked her up again. I stumbled to my room when I hear the one and only, well two and only, twins screech. I walked into my room and set Amity down on my bed. "Please gods let her be ok" I mumbled.

I wanted to write more to this chapter but since I haven't published in a while I think this was a good place to stop. (2141 words)

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