
When I got here I was completely lost. Had no fucking idea where anything was at first but everything is coming together.
I've been here a month or a little more and feel a little better. I've not had non stop panic attacks like I was having back in Chicago. I have managed to sleep all through the night twice this week and I've ate a mean the whole week this week. My appetite is coming back around. The college is huge. I went by there a few times to get a good look at it. I start august first and I couldn't be more excited about it. I'm still trying to get use to being alone and not having anyone living with me or always beside of me. I'm sure when college starts I'll find a friend or at least I hope so. I think you would like it here, you know if we were still... yea, I think you'd of liked it.


August 1st

"Oh shit sorry!" I hear a Dutch accent day towering over me as in picking up my notebook and spilled coffee cup. I reach out to grab my notebook when his hand grabs it before me. A rose covering his hand with rings makes the air in my lungs deflate, only because it brought back a memory of Harry. I slowly raise my head looking up at the guy.

"I- um it's ok. I should've been looking up instead of at the ground." I say politely taking my note book from him. His hood is over his head.

"I'm bax." He says pulling his hoodie down. His lip is pierced and I see some tattoos peeking out around the neck of the hoodie. His eyes are green and his lips are plump, he has brown hair and of course he's taller than me. At least six foot.

"Louis Tomlinson." I half grin. He reaches his hand out and I shake it.

"You new here? Haven't seen your face before."

"Yea, I just moved here not long ago."


"You would be correct."

"What are you taking?"

"Umm... art."

"Art! Wow. So you can draw and make beauty come to life on paper?"

"That's what I've been told so I guess we will see." I half laugh.

"Are you going to college?"

"No, I'm actually on my way to work. I'm running late."

"Oh shit! And I'm holding you up, I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you."

"You're fine. I actually work at the coffee shop you just came from. How about you follow me back and I'll get you a new cup to take with you?"

"No it's fine really."

"On me? Come on, who's going to pass up a free coffee?" He raises a brow with a smile.

"Alright, I guess you're right. Im not passing up a free coffee."

I set at the small bar on a stool in the coffee shop while Bax makes me another coffee. He hands it to me with and leans his arms on the bar.

"Make any friends yet?" I sip the hot fresh coffee and shake my head.

"No, not yet. I'm hoping I do soon, at least I'd be able to see a familiar face when I walk along the streets." I look at my phone seeing my class starts in fifteen minutes and it's still a little walk a ways. I jump up with my coffee in my hand.

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