Chapter 3

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Nothing belongs to Rick Riordan except the plot and some OCs

I turned to face Sophia, wide-eyed. She gazed back, looking equally shocked. I mean, of course I knew I had a brother, but Sophia was the only person I had ever told, and I knew she would never betray my trust by telling anyone, so how did Piper know? For a moment I wondered if he was here, and that's how she knew. But that was ridiculous, I hadn't seen him for nearly three years. But still...STOP! What was I thinking? I was never seeing him again, and I needed to come to terms with that.

I realized I should probably respond to Piper, and tell her that she was wrong, that she had made a mistake, but just as I was about to say something, she beat me to it.

"I know this is probably a lot to take in, so just take your time, I'll take you to meet him as soon as you're ready."

"Umm, Piper?" I started, "I think you've made a mis—" I cut off abruptly as I caught sight of someone running up the hill towards us. He had unruly dark brown hair, though I didn't know whether it was from running or if I was usually just that messy. He was making it up the hill at an alarmingly fast rate, way faster than anyone at school could run, including Sophia, and she was the fastest person on the track team.

Piper noticed the pause in my words, and she turned to follow my gaze to the boy, who was already more than halfway up the hill. Piper sighed.

"Hold that thought," she said before jogging down to where the boy was and talking to him in a hushed tone.

"What's going on?" Sophia asked, and I turned to face her, meeting her confused and worried blue eyes.

"I don't know. Piper seemed so certain that she knew my brother though."

Sophia paused, then hesitantly asked, "Do you think it might be—"

"No." I cut her off sharply.


"He's gone Sophia!" My voice came out harsher than I'd intended. "Sorry, I—"

Sophia wrapped me in hug. "It's okay. I get it." She didn't, but I appreciated the words nonetheless. Sophia always knew what to say to make me feel better.

Our time to talk was over though, because it seemed Piper had given up trying to talk to the boy, and was now reluctantly leading him up the hill towards us. Sophia gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as the two neared us.

As the strange messy-haired boy got closer, I realized his hair was nearly the exact same color as mine. My eyes met his and I saw that his eye color was a fascinating sea green, much like mine, though a tinge darker and had a playful glint in it that I hadn't seen since—. I clamped down on the thought, refusing to let myself think of him. Not now. Not in public.

They had now reached me and Sophia. Piper mouthed, "I'm sorry," to me as the boy ran his hand through his jet black hair, looking extremely nervous.

"Hey. Um... I'm assuming your Kaylee. You are Kaylee, right? I mean, of course you are, you look like me," He looked down, running his hand through his hair again. "Stupid, stupid," he muttered to himself before looking back up at me. He held out his hand, "I'm Percy. Percy Jackson. I don't know if Piper's told you yet, but, uh, I'm your brother."

I had expected it, with his body language and how nervous he was, but the words still left me reeling. Instead of shaking his hand, I stumbled backwards, bumping into Sophia. She steadied me as I stared at Percy, wide-eyed, unblinking.

Obviously Percy hadn't been expecting this reaction from me, because he fidgeted more and more every second I didn't respond. Finally I composed myself enough to speak, "I—I'm sorry. I think you've made a mistake. You're not my brother. I—I'm not your sister." I didn't put in the reason I knew he wasn't my brother. Too hard to explain. Too many memories I didn't want to remember.

The Chosen Demigod-a Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now