Prologue Pt. 1

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*Third Person POV*

Four year old Percy Jackson bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited impatiently outside his mother's hospital room. The nurse that was was getting tired of him asking questions and saying how excited he was to have a younger sister. Finally, after what felt like hours of waiting, a doctor stuck his head out of the room and announced that Percy could come in. He bounded in the room while the nurse let out a sigh of relief. The kid was a handful. Percy didn't hear though and jumped straight on the bed next to his mother, demanding to see his sibling. Sally smiled, and carefully placed the child in his arms. She gave him a sad smile as she watched him hold her daughter happily. She knew it wouldn't last. 

"Her name will be Kaylee." She said to Percy softly. He looked up at her, eyes shining. 


That night  Sally tucked Percy into bed and waited for him to fall asleep. This next part would be hard, but it was necessary to protect both Percy and Kaylee. 

She slipped out of the house with her sleeping baby girl and drove to the meeting place. Tears lined her face as she handed the baby over. This will be better for both of us. She thought as she kissed Kaylee one last time.  It will be better for us. 

The next morning, Percy didn't remember a thing. 

Percy woke shaking, sweat and tears covering his face. No. He thought as the dream flashed through his head again. It couldn't be true. There was no way  that his sweet, caring mother would just abandon someone like that. And not just anyone. Her daughter.  He was going to have some serious words with his mother. He needed to know the entire story. Not just the snippets his dream had showed him. But first, he needed to tell Annabeth. He ran out of his cabin, and into the Athena one. He burst towards Annabeth's bed, and it took him a second to realize no one was in the cabin. Breakfast.  He thought and soon Percy arrived, sweaty and panting, in the mess hall. He scanned the area for Annabeth, and ran over when he saw her. "Annabeth! I need to talk to you, can you meet me in the Big House in fifteen minutes?" Annabeth was confused, but agreed. 

Fifteen minutes later she walked into the Big House, and was surprised to see Percy and Chiron deep in discussion. Percy looked up when she came in, and Annabeth was surprised to see him completely serious, no sign of a twinkle in his eyes. Annabeth wondered what had happened to cause his mischievous and joking personality leave. He beckoned her over, and she obliged, taking the seat next to him on the couch. 

"Annabeth," Percy started, "I had a dream last night," he continued to tell her about what had happened, his eyes getting fiery as he explained what his mother had done. Annabeth almost felt bad for Sally, it was clear it would take a lot for Percy to forgive her. "I mean, how could she just do that? Just give up her only daughter like she was worth nothing?" Annabeth put her hand over his.

"Percy, calm down, you don't even know the full story or why your mom did what she did."

Percy heard the truth in her words, but that didn't make him any less angry. He knew he was being irrational, that he shouldn't trust the dream to have shown him the complete story, but he couldn't get the image of his mother handing over her daughter, his sister. 

And he would do anything to get her back. Kaylee.  He thought, I'm coming.

        A/N Hiii!!I hope you liked the first chapter of The Chosen Demigod. The chapters will get longer don't worry! :) If you see anything that needs correcting feel free to comment!!

Everything belongs to Rick Riordan except for the plot and some OCs

The Chosen Demigod-a Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now