Chapter 2

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Everything belongs to Rick Riordan except the plot and some OCs

My head was swimming by the time Nico told us about the gods and monsters being real. I looked at Sophia to assure myself I wasn't going crazy, but she shared the same bewildered expression I was probably wearing myself.

"We're not crazy, I promise," Will said, seeming to read my mind. One look at Sophia and I confirmed we both didn't buy that. Nico sighed loudly, before getting up suddenly.

"Look, if you're not just going to believe us, we're going to have to show you." He turned abruptly and walked purposefully towards the door out of the cafeteria.

"C'mon," Piper said, "Once Nico makes up his mind, it's better to just go along with it." Sophia and I shared a wary look, but we got up and walked after her.


I held Sophia's hand firmly as we twisted through the maze-like hallways of the school until we reached the open courtyard in the center of the grounds. I briefly wondered how the new kids knew so much about the school, but I quickly forgot about that thought when I saw what Nico was doing. He seemed to have the shadows wrapped around him tightly, spiraling and swirling as they pulled at his body. Nico's eyes were shut tightly, and I could see a bead of sweat dripping down his brow.

"Where's Nico?" Sophia asked from beside me. I jerked my head toward her.

"You can't see him?" I asked in disbelief. The pileup of darkness seemed almost impossible to miss. I turned to Piper. "What's he doing?" I asked her, "It looks like the shadows are trying to kill him!"

Piper stared at me blankly. "You can see him?" she asked, shocked.

"Of course I can!" I said indignantly. "And I think it's very irresponsible to let someone do that." She continued staring at me, gaping. I was getting very annoyed. She obviously didn't care that Nico seemed to be on the verge of collapsing, "Listen, if you don't care that he's about to collapse, that's your fault. But I don't want someone passing out and the blame being put on me," I made a face, "I don't want to be expelled and I'm quite happy here thank you very much."

I let go of Sophia's hand, turned on my heel, and marched toward the shadows. Nico was swaying slightly now. I stopped at the edge of the darkness and took a deep breath, before plunging into the gloom.

I let my anger at the stupid unfairness of being brought abruptly into this mythical world-because I had no doubt now that what the kids had said was true-and how annoyed I was that Piper was doing nothing for Nico, fuel me.

I barely felt the chill seep into my bones as I stomped over to Nico and grabbed him by the arm. He jerked suddenly, and the storm of shadows stopped. He dropped to the ground, shaking slightly.

Before I could decide what to do for him, Will pushed past me, holding a medical kit. I didn't know where he had gotten that, but it seemed that Nico would be fine, so I headed back over to where Piper and Sophia stood.

Piper's eyes were wide with shock, but Sophia had a small smile on her face. I gave a timid smile back. The anger had all but drained out of me, making me feel slightly guilty at yelling at Piper. I wasn't about to apologize for it though. I didn't know how, but somehow I could tell that any longer with what Nico had been doing, and he would have died.

"How in Hades did you just do that." Piper asked, shock still painting her face.

"What? Pull him out? I just touched him and the storm died."

"Um.. Kay, there wasn't a storm," Sophia said, her brow creasing in worry, "Are you feeling alright?"

I pushed her hand away as she reached to feel my forehead. "I'm fine Soph, really. But there was a storm. Well, kinda. It was more like a bunch of shadows, but it was definitely there." Piper and Sophia shared a look and I scowled. "Look. There was a storm, and I'm not crazy. Just ask Nico."

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