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a/n; sorry for the length of this chapter, i'm in a writing mood. also thank you for over 100 reads! i'm not sure how long i'll make this but i think i'm half-ish done. ciao!


(2 new messages!)

unknown number;

you awake?

i know it's late i'm sorry


i'm up

sam and i watched a horror movie

and i definitely do not want to sleep right now

unknown number;

do you wanna call?


sure, let me grab my headphones

okay go ahead

(1 incoming call)


"hey there, anon."

"uhh, how are you?"

"i'm good, wide awake. we watched this really messed up movie, i don't think i'll be sleeping for a while."

"i'm sorry. i'm stuck awake because..,"


"d'you wanna play twenty questions?"

"what are we, nine?"

"no but i figured maybe you'd want to know more about me. i definitely want to know more about you."

"okay, let's do it, then. but, whatever the question is, we both answer."

"interesting. shoot."

"okay, what color are your eyes? mine are blueish green."

"blue, very blue. uhhhh, how tall are you?"

"not very tall, uh. i think i'm almost 5'5."

"very short."

"what, how tall are you?"

"uhhh, 6'2 i believe."


"not quite, sweetheart."

"shut up. okay, my turn. any siblings? i have an older sister named holly, she lives back home but she's much older, so i sort of grew up as an only child."

"i've got two older brothers, ben and jack. they're back home, too."

"you know what's weird?"


"i just realized that you have an accent like calum. australian?"

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