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(1 new message!)

unknown number;


are you awake?

sorry it's so late

i just need to talk 


hey stranger

surprisingly i am awake

what's up?

unknown number;

i can't sleep

i don't sleep well in general

but tonight it's bad


what's on your mind?

unknown number;

my friend wants me to sign up for open mic this weekend

he's playing also

but he's good

i'm not that good


i'm sure you're good, anon

your friend sounds like he thinks so too

unknown number;


i think he's just being nice


why don't you want to play?

unknown number;

i don't think i sound good, my pitch isn't good

i know only a few songs


anon, i'm sure that isn't true

i think you should do it

i'd sing with you if i knew you

unknown number;

would you come watch?


i won't know which guy is you, lol

unknown number;

no, that's okay actually

if i knew you were there it would help

even though i don't know what you look like


i mean, yeah, i'll go

if it will help, i'll gladly come :)

unknown number;

thank you

you're a good friend

i mean it


thank you, you are too

i'm glad i could help

that's the whole reason i started this

unknown number;

have you made any other friends?



i have my two irl friends, but that's it

i don't make friends easily

i'm very shy

unknown number;

you don't seem shy


texting is different

i have massive anxiety combined with add, it's rough making friends because i'm constantly on edge

that and people don't have similar interests

except my two friends

unknown number;

i feel that

i have bad anxiety too

singing and playing guitar helps me

what helps you?


good question, anon

i have no clue

sweet dreams, "see" you saturday :)

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