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unknown number;


uh, are you available to talk for a few?


hey! it's been a while, i hope you're okay

yes, of course

what's up?

unknown number;

i'm okay for right now

i'm stuck at a party and don't really feel like socializing


yeah i feel that

i was supposed to be at a party tonight but i'm stuck studying

unknown number;

i'd take studying over this party rn

way too crazy, the music is too loud


even if it's biology? 

unknown number;

i actually love biology

if i could take it over again i would


dang, i need a study partner like you

i got stuck with robin buckley, she's adhd personified

she's smart but a two hour study session barely gets us through a chapter

unknown number;

well you can ask me anything you need to know, if that helps


i thought i was the one supposed to be helping you?

unknown number;

you are

you're distracting me from my boring life

i'd say that's quite helpful


aww, that was sweet, thank you

why are you still at the party if you don't want to be there?

unknown number;

my roommates dragged me

i'd feel bad if i said no, i want them to like me


i mean

i get it, don't get me wrong

but don't you think you deserve friends who want to do stuff that you like to do too?

unknown number;

i dunno

i guess..


what do you like to do, anon?

unknown number;



short for anonymous, silly

remember? we don't know each other

unknown number;

oh yeah


i like to play the guitar

i like punk music, watching crappy 2000s dramas, writing

i'm pretty boring


you don't sound boring!

i like punk music too!

what bands do you listen to?

unknown number;


all time low, yellowcard, loveless, blink-182

that sort of genre


okay, we're definitely going to be best friends, anon

i grew up on punk music, my sister left me all of her cds when she moved out

i even saw all time low when i was a teenager

unknown number;


wait, you're not some creepy guy, right?


are you??

unknown number;

no, but i am a guy


and i am not a guy

unknown number;


thanks for the chat, fellow punk lover

i'm gonna ditch the party and head to bed

i'll talk to you later


sleep well, anon :)

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