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(5 new messages!)

unknown number;


i'm bored as fuck

my roommates are partying, so i'm watching sydney white

so girly i know

oh shit you're on that date, fuck i forgot



can you call me

like right now


please i'm serious

unknown number;

em? are you ok?


now now please

(1 incoming call)

"em? are you okay? what's going on?"

"this was such a bad idea."

"are you crying? em? talk to me, please."

"that fucking, ugh. that fucking slimy fuck."

"your date? did he do something to you?"

"mike and sam left, they went back to his place to fuck, probably. things were going fine with my date but-,"

"em, calm down, breathe. what happened?"

"my date was really sweet, some lacrosse player, jared, i think. he was buying my drinks and laughing at all of my jokes until mike and sam left. then he got quiet."

"it's okay, i'm here, em. i promise."

"he uh, he offered to walk me back to my building. we were near campus at that sportsbar off main, so i said why not, it was a ten minute walk. he started getting handsy when i was saying goodbye, i kneed him in the nuts, swiped my keycard and ran inside."

"he touched you?!"

"he kept saying it was fine, told me to be quiet, i kept saying no, anon, i said no."

"em, please don't cry, please. you didn't deserve that. what a fucking piece of shit."

"i'm alone and i just...i needed you."

"em, i'm right here. i promise he won't lay another hand on you again."

"i'm so sorry for bothering you."

"don't ever say that. i will always pick up for you, sweetheart, always. i can't believe the nerve of that guy, to touch you like that."

"i guess mike didn't know what a sleeze he was. i don't want to tell him or he'll feel bad. what do i do?"

"he'll understand, em. he couldn't have known the guy was like that, i'm sure he'll feel bad but lots of shitheads diguise themselves as good people."

"you're not a shithead, are you?"

"no, i hope not."

"thank you for calming me down, you really do have a magical voice."

"thank you. i prefer to hear yours without the tears but you still sound just as pretty."

"i think i'm gonna head to bed, anon. it's late, i've cried off all of my makeup. i look like an idiot."

"i bet you're still beautiful, em. do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"

"i couldn't ask you to do that.."

"hush. i'm here for you. get dressed, crawl in bed and let me tell you some super embarrassing stories about baby anon, yeah?"

"okay, yeah. i'd like that."

"okay, let's see. so, when i was eight i thought skateboarding into a pool would be fun...."

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