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(1 new message!)

unknown number;

hey, how was your weekend?

everything okay after what happened?


yeah, i'm doing okay

thank you

i didn't do much, just sat around with my roommate

we watched aquamarine three times

unknown number;

it is a good movie

i'd watch it a million times if i could


you do anything this weekend?

unknown number;


i talked to a super pretty girl on friday

but not much else


oh, fun

unknown number;

you know i'm talking about you, right?


oh um

thank you

unknown number;

you sure you're okay, em?

do i need to tell you more embarrassing stories?


no, i'm okay

it's just

unknown number;

just what?


did you punch jared?

unknown number;

did i do what?


you read what i said

did you?

unknown number;

i don't know what you're talking about


you expect me to believe that?

you were the only one who knew what happened

then bam

he gets a broken nose the next morning

c'mon, anon

unknown number;

i didn't punch him


you're a shit liar, anon

unknown number;

don't assume things, em


wow, okay

i'm not even mad, if that's what you're worried about

i was going to thank you, but clearly it wasn't you

so, whatever

i gotta go

unknown number;

em wait, i'm sorry

(error; message failed to send.)

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