Pick a team

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The next day when Robby woke up he saw a message from his dad asking him to coming to his apartment later with Tory. Robby knew that Tory was working today so they wouldn't be able to go over until later so Robby had to think of what he was going to do until then, he thought about the skatepark but that's where he usually goes and today he wants to do something different.

Robby had decided to wanted a quite peaceful day so after taking his time to get showered and dressed he decided to go to the Miyagi do dojo for some meditation. It was the perfect day for it as the sun was shining and there was no one else at the dojo today or so he thought. Robby had just sat down and closed his eyes when he was interrupted by Chozen. Robby was really surprised to see him as he didn't expect anyone to be here since training wasn't happening today, Chozen was just as surprised as Robby because no one came to the dojo when they didn't have training. After Robby told Chozen why he had come to the dojo Chozen asked if something was troubling him because he always meditates when he feels stressed or regret for something he's done in the past, Robby admitted that he used to meditate a lot before he joined cobra Kai but since then he hasn't and after everything that's happened he felt like he needed to try it again, Chozen asked Robby if he be more specific about the regrets he has, robby began to open up about how he feels responsible for cobra Kai winning the tournament because he won boys division and he also feels responsible for Kenny being in so deep with cobra Kai, Chozen told Robby that he should feel the burden of other peoples atrocities but robby argued that even without those he still has a lot of guilt for things did like attacking Eli and almost killing Miguel, Chozen knew what it was like to feel like a monster but he told Robby that you can't always think about past mistakes because they don't define the person you will become, Chozen also pointed out that since then robby had walked away from cobra Kai and become friends and teammates with Miguel and Eli. Robby knew that Chozen made some good points so he asked Chozen if he would meditate with him, which Chozen agreed too.

After meditating then training with Chozen Robby realised he still had a some time to kill before Tory finished work so he decided to get some food. When Tory finished work she was happy to see Robby waiting for her, Tory didn't have a chance to check her phone so she never saw the message robby sent her so Robby was forced to tell her what they had to do on the way. Tory wasn't happy about having to go to Johnny's apartment after a long day at work she would rather go home and spend the night with Robby but thanks the crazy life they live nothing was ever that simple. When Robby and Tory got to Johnny's apartment they quickly found out that Kreese was planning to go to the cobra Kai dojo tomorrow and he wanted them to be with him to show Silver what he was up against and to possibly persuade some of the students to join them. Both Robby and Tory agreed to go along with them and as they walked back to Tory's apartment Robby told Tory this was great timing as he could have one last chance to persuade Kenny to leave Cobra Kai.

The next day Robby and Tory arrived at Johnny's apartment so they could go accompany Johnny and Kreese as they invade the cobra Kai dojo. On the way to the dojo Kreese told them all about his plan to take back some of his students and send a message to Silver that his cobra kai empire would fall. When Kreese, Johnny, Robby and Tory they immediately walked into the dojo without any hesitation. Silver knew that Kreese was out of jail so he wasn't surprised to see him, one of the other sensei's at the dojo tried to stand in their way but Kreese grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground. Before Silver could say anything Kreese addressed the cobra Kai students he told them that Terry Silver may be running Cobra Kai but he wasn't the true founder of cobra Kai because that was him John Kreese, he then told them that some of them were actually recruited by him and now they have the chance to show their loyalty to him by walking away from Silver and joining him, he also told the new students they could also join him and have the chance to train with the two current all valley champions and learn from a former champion of cobra Kai. Silver looked at his students to who would switch sides, After a few moments Kyler stepped out of the row of students and walked over to Kreese he was quickly joined by Edwin, big red , dieter and some of the other students who joined before Silver came to the dojo. An Asian female sensei called Kim Da-Eun called them traitors but Silver told her they were no loss as they clearly weren't cobra Kai material. Robby waited for any sign that Kenny would join them but when all hope faded Robby decided to call out to him to ask him to join but Shawn put his arm around his little brother and told Robby he wasn't going anywhere. Before Kreese and his team left he warned Silver that he better be ready for a fight because whether he likes it or not it's coming.

Once they were all outside Kreese gave Kyler and the other instructions about where they would meet to discuss the next part of their plan. Kreese was delighted with how successful their plan was but Johnny had a problem and he wanted to know what Kreese meant when he said they would learn from him and train with Robby and Tory, Kreese told him he thought they were going to reopen their cobra Kai dojo at the strip mall, Johnny immediately told Kreese that he couldn't just abandon Daniel and their students, Kreese laughed as he thought Johnny was lying at first but when he realised he was serious he asked how Johnny could turn down the opportunity to train his son, but Johnny told him that no one was leaving Daniel because they had come to far to ruin it all, Kreese looked at Robby to ask him to encourage his dad but Robby was on his dad's side and agreed they wouldn't abandon Daniel, finally Kreese asked Tory what side she was on but Tory wasn't sure because She still saw Kreese as her sensei and she always would but even she didn't think it would be a good idea to abandon Miyagi do after everything the Larusso's had done for her. Johnny could tell Kreese never imagined this would happen but he told them they could still work together if they talk to Daniel and make him understand it's better for them to work together than work separately, Kreese was furious and told Johnny he has no desire to ever work with Daniel Larusso. As Kreese stormed away he told Tory she needs to pick a team.

6 hours later Tory was begging to relax after coming home from work when she heard a knock at the door and when she answered it she saw Sensei Kreese, Tory invited him in but he declined as he wouldn't be here long. Kreese told Tory he was serious about her picking a team but she didn't have anymore time as he needs an answer now, tory was conflicted because and she told Kreese she was grateful to him for everything but she had to stay with Miyagi Fang because since joining them her life was so much better and she couldn't risk losing everything she gained like her friendship with Sam and her new job at Larusso auto. Kreese was shocked to find out that Tory was working at Larusso auto he never realised how close Tory had become to them, Tory could see Kreese was hurt that she wasn't joining him but she promised him that he would always be her sensei and if he needs any help all he has to do is ask. Tory watched as Kreese walked away and even though she felt horrible for betraying him she knew she made the correct choice.

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