Burying the past

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Over the last few days Tory had handed in her notice at work, she only had to work there for another week before she could start working at Larusso auto. Also over the last few days Tory spent a lot of time with her mom while Robby spent time with his dad.

At today's training session Robby, Tory, Sam and Miguel were told that they would be doing something a little different today. As Daniel and Johnny continued normal training with the other students Chozen told the 4 of them he was aware of the history between them and now that Robby and Miguel were becoming friends while Sam and Tory were able to coexist their was still something they had to take care of and that was that Sam and Miguel still hadn't apologised to Robby and Tory for hurting them so today robby and Sam would work together while Miguel and Tory worked together so they can finally bury the past, Chozen was eager for them to do this so Sam and Miguel could understand that even though Robby and Tory had done bad things and helped cobra Kai it wasn't completely their fault.

Robby and Sam were told they would be cleaning Mr Miyagi's cars while Miguel and Tory painted the fence around the dojo, even though these were usually basic task someone would learn when they first join Miyagi do today wasn't about karate.

Things were awkward between Robby and Sam as they hadn't had a one to one conversation since Robby told sam he was staying with Cobra kai. Sam broke the tension by reminding Robby of the first time they cleaned the cars, robby remembers those days really well he couldn't believe it had only been a year since then. Sam's idea to talk about the past worked as they started to reminisce about the time when it was just them two in Miyagi do, while they were laughing about the first time they learned the wheel technique Sam began to apologise about everything that happened while they were dating she apologised for hurting him and not being honest about her feelings for Miguel , robby didn't really want to talk about that but he did ask her one thing , he asked her if she ever actually cared about him or if she was just using him to make Miguel jealous, Sam admitted that she did have feelings for Robby but they weren't as strong as the ones she had for Miguel, robby wasn't hurt by that anymore but he was just happy to finally know the truth.

Tory and Miguel's conversation was just as awkward as Sam and Robby's, Miguel kept trying to strike up a conversation topic but Tory didn't seem interested in acknowledging him. After another 10 minutes of dead silence Miguel began to apologise for his actions he didn't care if Tory responded because at least he would get to it off his chest, Miguel admitted that even though he cared about Tory they should have just been friends because it wasn't fair that she got hurt because he still loved Sam, after hearing what Miguel said tory asked him why he started dating her if he still loved Sam, Miguel told her that he struggled when he saw that she was moving in with Robby and when he noticed that she was interested in him he knew that maybe if Sam saw them together then maybe she would be jealous just like him. Miguel knew that what he did was wrong but when he actually heard the words come out his mouth it made him feel like a piece of shit. If Tory had heard him say that 8 months ago she probably would have attacked him but since then the feelings she developed for Robby made the feelings she had for Miguel feel like nothing in comparison and now that Tory's life was getting a little better she decided that it would be best for everyone to just forget about it and just act like it never happened. Once both tasks were complete all 4 of the teen regrouped with their teammates , training was over now and everyone was starting to leave, robby was saying goodbye to Tory because he was going back with his dad and Miguel to Miguel apartment for dinner with his family, this was the first time that robby would get to meet Miguel's mom and Tory knew how nervous he was so she was trying her best to tell him that it would be ok, as Johnny finally got to the car Tory gave Robby a kiss and wished him good luck she also asked him to text her later tonight to tell her how it went.

When Robby, Johnny and Miguel arrived at the apartment complex Robby started to have second thoughts about meeting Miguel's mom but Johnny reassured him that carmen would welcome him in because Miguel had told her all about them becoming friends. After listening to his dad robby followed him into Miguel's apartment, carmen was very welcoming when Robby came in she told him where to sit and that dinner was would be ready in 5 minutes, robby was sat across from Miguel's grandma and she clearly wasn't as forgiving as her daughter, robby could feel her glaring at him from across the table but when carmen noticed she quickly made her stop. Carmen made an Ecuadorean dish called Seco de Chivo which was basically stew and rice Carmen didn't want to make something to exotic because she wasn't sure what robby liked to eat. Once they had finished eating Carmen decided to make a toast , she started talking about everything that had happened between Miguel and Robby and how she was so happy to see them finally getting along and even though a lot of bad things happened between them she hopes that they can all move on together and a happy family.

Robby and Johnny stuck around for a couple more hours before going back to his apartment, robby decided to stay at Johnny's tonight. Before Robby went to bed he text Tory to let her know how good the evening was, Tory responded straight away and told him how happy she was for him.

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