Changed man?

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Tory was delighted that Kreese was out of jail and now that he was staying with Johnny she knew that she would be able to stay close to him, but Tory had noticed that since he got back he was a lot quieter and hadn't really spoke much she also noticed he looked much older now. Whenever Tory tried to ask him how he was doing or if he wanted anything he just repeatedly told her he was fine. Tory wasn't the only one who noticed a change in him Johnny also noticed it but he didn't question him in front of Robby and Tory so he quietly gave Robby some money and told them to go to the store and get some more beer.

Tory wasn't happy to be out of the apartment she wanted to talk to Kreese about everything that had happened with Silver since he had been gone, Robby understood that Tory was confused as to why Kreese was so didn't but he tried to make her understand that being locked up can change someone because you spend all day thinking about why your here or thinking about what people on the outside are doing he also told her that when he was in juvie he saw kids come in who were arrogant and thought they could handle anything and after only a few days they were broken and a shell of their former self's. Tory had obviously never been in juvie but she tried to imagine what if would be like to be an a confined space with the same people everyday and some of those people may want to make your life worse than it already is but the biggest problem was she could never imagine Sensei Kreese being broken especially after all the stories she heard about him during the war.

Robby and Tory made sure to take their time before they got back to Johnny's apartment, they did this because johnny wanted to talk to Kreese one to one about what was troubling him. When they got back to the apartment they both noticed that Kreese looked upset this was an emotion no one had ever seen from Kreese before. Tory asked what had happened but no one told her anything so Tory raised her voice and asked again this time Kreese spoke he told her he needed to go for a walk and he would like her to accompany him.

Tory and Kreese set off with no destination in mind all they wanted to do was talk, Tory told him that no matter what happened to him in prison he can tell her because it doesn't make him weak if he struggled, Kreese could see a change in her and he was glad about it but he told her that he didn't struggle with prison because he learned a lot about himself and where he went wrong in life, he admitted that he made a mistake with the way he taught his students over the years he admitted he should never have treated them like soldiers and he should have encouraged them instead of berating them for their weaknesses, Tory was shocked to hear Kreese speaking this way so she asked him what made him feel this way, Kreese told her that while he was in prison he was regularly visited by one of his former students who is now a pastor his name is bobby and he was a member of cobra Kai who trained at the dojo the same time as Johnny and when he came to visit he told him how leaving cobra Kai was the best thing that happened to him because his grades got better and he didn't get in trouble anymore, he also told her about another former pupil of his named Dutch who according to bobby had continued to live his life following the cobra Kai philosophy of showing no mercy and because of that he's been in and out of prison for the last 20 years and he hasn't stepped foot in the outside for over 10 years. After walking for a bit longer Tory and Kreese stopped to get a coffee, While they sat and drank their coffee Kreese noticed an advertising board for cobra Kai with Terry Silver's face, Tory noticed Kreese's face changed he looked at the board with pure hatred, Kreese know all about Silver's cheating thanks to Johnny and he knew how much it effected Tory so he promised her that nothing would stop them from getting revenge on Terry Silver.

After catching up with Tory Kreese walked her back to her apartment before he headed back to Johnny's. Kreese was pleased to see that Robby was still there because he wanted to talk to both of them. Kreese told them he was so happy to see them getting along and he wishes he could go back and change things because maybe then it could have been all 3 of them standing together representing cobra Kai at the all valley. Kreese was now directly talking to Robby he wanted him to know that all the mistakes Johnny made as a father was because of him because he didn't step up and be the father figure Johnny needed but now he wants to change that and even though they aren't related through blood he wants to be father and grandfather to both of them.

Once Robby had gone back to his moms apartment Johnny asked Kreese now he was back what he intended on doing to Silver, Kreese looked at Johnny and told him he's going to declare cobra Kai civil war.

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