I love you

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3 days had passed since since Sam agreed to let put her problems with Tory aside so they could train together. Since then robby hadn't heard from Tory he tried calling and texting her but she didn't answer he even went to her apartment but nobody answered. Robby knew that Tory would be mad at him before they even talked to Sam but he didn't think that Tory would ignore him for so long.

Today Robby decided that he would do everything he could to speak to Tory because he needed her to know that he hated not telling her what he was up to. Robby knew that Tory was working today but he didn't know what time she started at so he decided that if she wasn't at her apartment then he would go there to see her. Robby arrived at Tory's apartment at 1:30pm and he waited for 15 minutes until he decided to leave, robby headed straight to the diner tory worked but she wasn't there Tory's boss told him that tory swapped shifts with another girl so she wasn't in today. Robby knew that this meant Tory was probably at her apartment the whole time so he decided he would wait a couple of hours then he would head back to try again.

After 2 hours Robby leaves his apartment and makes the same journey he made earlier but this time he let Tory know he was coming. Before leaving Robby had text Tory to tell her he was coming over and he wasn't leaving until she answered and that he was prepared to stay there all night. When Tory saw the message robby had left she knew she wouldn't be able to ignore him all night because deep down she didn't want to, even though it had only been 3 days tory missed him because and she had just realised that they had seen each other everyday since Robby got out of juvie. When Robby got to Tory's apartment he didn't have to wait to long as Tory let him in pretty quickly but as she did she never said a word as she did, Robby didn't care that Tory wasn't talking as this gave him a chance to talk , Robby immediately told Tory how sorry he was , he told her that he hated keeping secrets from her but he felt like he had to or else she would never have agreed to talk to Sam, after listening to what robby had to say Tory finally broke her silence and told him that she was really disappointed because she thought he was different and he would know her well enough to be open and honest with her after everything they've told each other about their lives, after hearing what Tory said Robby felt more guilty because he know that he should have told her and they would have worked it out together, robby admitted that he made a mistake but he did it for the right reasons and if he could go back he would tell her the truth, Tory could see that Robby was being sincere but Tory just needed some more time, Robby was starting to feel like that he wouldn't able to fix things today so he decided he should probably leave but as he turned around he promised Tory that he wouldn't give up on her because he loves her, robby couldn't believe what he just said even though he meant it he never imagined it would come out like that. Robby turns around to look at Tory who is in complete shock she never thought she would here anyone outside her family ever say those words to her, Tory asked Robby if he truly meant it and without any hesitation Robby replied absolutely , after hearing that Robby was serious Tory rushed towards him and passionately kissed him. A few hours had passed since Robby and Tory made up since then they had sat down to talk and Tory forgave Robby and understood why he didn't tell her what he was up to, Robby was now getting ready to leave but before he did Tory realised she hadn't told Robby she loved him back so as he was walking away she yelled it out loud so he could hear her Tory didn't care that she was being loud because for once she was happy and she wanted the whole world to know it.

The next day Robby found out that his ribs were healing quicker than expected so he decided that this would be the perfect time to return to training. Robby text both Tory and his dad to let them know the news, Johnny offered to drive them to training but robby thought it would be a better idea if it was just two of them before they join their first training session with Miyagi do and Eagle fang.

The next day Robby and Tory walked to the Miyagi do dojo together, robby knew that Tory was still a little nervous so he held her hand as they joined the rest of their new teammates. The other students were still spilt down the middle about robby and Tory joining Miguel, Demetri, Chris, Mitch and Devon were some of the students who didn't mind them joining but Eli, Anthony, Bert and Nate some of the students who were against it Eli looked towards Sam for support as he knew she was against it also but he was shocked to find out that Sam had agreed to them joining. Daniel and Johnny tried their best to get order amongst their students but it was Chozen who was able to shut them up, he reminded them all that every single of them had made mistakes and done bad things so nobody should be judging others for mistakes they have made, Chozen also reminded them that Robby and Tory were the only 2 people other than Daniel to have learned from Terry Silver but the difference was they were trained by him much longer than Daniel ever was. Today's training session was just a standard session but Chozen warned them all that the worst was yet to come. After training everyone began to go their separate ways and as Robby and Tory walked away from the dojo they were stopped Miguel who told them that tonight they were all going to a beach party that moon and yasmine have planned and he thinks they should come because it would be a good way to closer to the rest of the team, Robby and Tory aren't at first but Miguel is able to win them over by telling them he's already told Sam that he would invite them so it wouldn't be a surprise to her tonight.

Later that night robby drove them to the party in his mom's car, he remembered the location because it was the same beach where he met Miguel for the first time. When they arrived at the party they could see from afar that there were a lot of people but as they got closer it looked like there was a fight happening and when they stepped onto the beach they noticed some familiar faces mostly Kyler , Shawn and Piper along with many new cobra Kai's . Robby and Tory knew that this was the chance to prove themselves to their new teammates so they immediately rushed to help Robby looked around to see who he could help and as he did he saw Kenny beating up Nate, even though Robby wasn't going to attack Kenny he knew he had to step in. Robby stepped in between Kenny and Nate he knew that Kenny was angry about him leaving cobra Kai but he had to try and reason with him, robby tried to remind Kenny that he was a nice kid who wanted to learn karate to defend himself not to become a bully, Kenny wasn't interested in listening to Robby and told him that he stopped being his teacher the minute he betrayed cobra Kai , before Robby could continue he was attacked by Shawn. Tory immediately noticed that Sam was being double teamed by Piper and Sarah, without any hesitation Tory rushed to help Sam because she knew this wasn't she could prove herself to sam as well as getting some payback for the beating she got a few weeks ago. Tory grabbed Piper and pushed her away before turning her attention to Sarah who was obviously a bigger threat, Tory used a mixture of offences and defence this helped her gain the advantage and knock Sarah to the ground but when Piper got back to her feet it became harder to fight off both of them, when Sam looked up and saw that Tory was the one who helped her, she was in disbelief but she didn't stay down for long as she got back up and returned the favour by fighting Piper , neither Sam or Tory could believe that after everything that had happened between them they were now fighting side by side. After catching Robby off guard Shawn continued to beat down robby he made sure that he targeted Robby's ribs which were still injured until Kyler stepped in and told Shawn That its enough and they should leave, robby had no idea why Kyler was helping him but it worked as Shawn listened to him and called on the other cobras to retreat.

After all of the cobras were gone the Miyagi do's and Eagle fang's regrouped the students who were previously unhappy about Robby and Tory joining all changed their minds and were now thanking them for helping them. Sam was the most appreciative and for the first time she thanked Tory for helping her. All of the teenagers for Miyagi do and Eagle fang finally accepted Robby and Tory as members of their dojo and allies in the war against Terry Silver's cobra Kai.

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