All valley tournament

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Today was the day that everyone had been waiting for the all valley tournament, this is finally the day that all the bull shit from the last year would finally be over and only 1 of dojo's would remain open while the one other closed.

The all valley committee made sure that their were extra changing rooms so they could keep the cobra kai's separated from the miyagi do and eagle fang students. Robby watched as many of his team mate especially Kyler laughed and joked about how easy today would be but robby kept his distance as he knew he couldn't lose today this was his chance to redeem last years loss to Miguel.

The tournament was a much bigger deal than last year and every dojo was getting a big extravaganza entrance Robby and Tory were at the front just behind the sensei's as they came out this was a clear indication that they were Cobra Kai's top two students. After all the dojos were announced cobra Kai gathered around to get a final speech from Kreese and Silver.

1 first part of the tournament was skills demonstration Robby decided to do Kata as his demonstration while Tory decided to show her skills with nunchucks. Kyler , Shawn and Kenny broke boards while Piper showed off her athletic abilities thanks to her gymnastics training. Even though cobra Kai put on a great show they weren't able to out score Miyagi do who won the demonstration round and were now ahead.

The preliminary rounds of the tournaments were dominated by Miyagi do, eagle fang and cobra Kai

Boys quarterfinal fights

Robby Keene (Cobra Kai) winner
Eddie Vidal (locust valley)

Demetri Alexopoulos (Miyagi do) winner
Kyler park (Cobra Kai)

Eli moskowitz (Miyagi do) winner
Xander stone (Topanga karate)

Shawn Payne (Cobra Kai)
Miguel Diaz (Eagle Fang) winner

Girls quarterfinal fights

Samantha Larusso (Miyagi do) winner
Charlotte Harris (Cobra Kai)

Piper Elswith (Cobra Kai) winner
Grace Bailey (Topanga Karate)

Tory Nichols (Cobra Kai) winner
Devon lee (Eagle Fang)

Sophia Waller (All star Katate)
Aisha Robinson (Topanga Karate) winner

Boys semi final fights

Robby Keene (Cobra Kai)
Demetri Alexopoulos (Miyagi do)

Eli Moskowitz (Miyagi do)
Miguel Diaz (Eagle Fang)

Girls semi final fights

Samantha Larusso (Miyagi do)
Piper Elswith (Cobra Kai)

Tory Nichols (Cobra Kai)
Aisha Robinson (Topanga Karate)

Robby vs Demetri
Robby was really surprised to see how far his former teammate made it and even though he was impressed that Demetri beat Kyler he was still really confident in his ability. Demetri had zero confidence in his ability to beat Robby as he knew Robby was a far more skilled fighter than he was and he knew that even though they were friends once it didn't mean he would go easy on him as in an earlier round robby showed no mercy to Chris. Robby comfortably won all 3 points and advanced to the final.

Sam vs Piper
After watching Robby destroy Demetri and advance to the final Sam was filled with anger and after Piper bragged about how Robby taught her defence sam decided to give Cobra Kai a taste of their own medicine by beating Piper by using offence.

Eli vs Miguel
Miguel was in a bad way after his last fight with Shawn which he only won because Shawn got himself disqualified, this made Eli nervous as he didn't want to accidentally hurt one of his best friends. This fight was taken to sudden death , it was a very close fight but Miguel was able to get the victory and advance to the final.

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