New Era

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For the next couple of hours Robby and Tory tried their best not to talk about the tournament but deep down they both knew they had to address the elephant in the room. Robby was the one who finally brought it up he asked Tory what she thought they should do but tory didn't have a clue because she was still to emotional to think what comes next. Robby had considered telling her about his talk with his dad but he knew that right now wasn't the correct time. Neither of them knew what to do next but at least they knew they had a couple of days as training was cancelled until all the equipment was moved into the new dojo.

After spending the night at Tory's robby decided to visit his dad. Johnny was really pleased to see his son, they talked about trying to spend more time together and going in trips like they should have. Johnny asked when Robby would be training again and Robby told him that they had a few days off while they get the new dojo ready , Johnny told Robby how the new dojo was the original cobra Kai dojo that he trained at , Johnny and and Robby shared stories about how they were trained by Kreese , Johnny realises that Kreese actually did a good job training his son and maybe when he said all he wanted was all 3 of them working together maybe he was telling the truth. Robby clearly forgot about the agreement between the sensei's as he asks his dad if he will continue to teach karate but Johnny reminds him that he can't due to the agreement.

After being reminded of how many people were affected by cobra Kai's cheating robby decided to leave because he was feeling guilty, robby knew that he had to do something but the problem was he didn't he didn't have any proof and he didn't know if Tory would want to help him.

2 days later all of the cobra Kai students were informed that practice would resume tomorrow at the new dojo . Tory was really nervous to go as she didn't know if she would be able to contain her anger at her sensei's , even though her and Robby had talked about what they would do next they still didn't have a definite idea she knew that Robby was eager to say something but Tory wasn't as keen as cobra Kai was the only place she had.

The next day everyone arrived at the new dojo excited to see what it looked like and of course they weren't disappointed it was clear that the sensei's had spent a lot of money making sure it was a state of the art training facility. After getting a tour of the dojo Sensei Silver handed out brand new black training gi's , it became clear to everyone that Sensei Kreese was missing , Tory was the one who finally spoke up and asked where he was, Sensei Silver informed them that Sensei Kreese had decided to go on vacation and he didn't expect him to return any time soon. Obviously everyone was confused that Kreese would leave after achieving the one thing he had worked for this whole time. Silver tells them that even though Sensei Kreese isn't here it doesn't mean cobra Kai won't continue to grow as he still plans to open more dojo across the valley and then possibly the whole county , he also tells them that he's bringing in an old friend to be a new sensei for the dojo , he finishes by telling them that today is the start of a new era for Cobra Kai .

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