Girls ran after us, being our 9-year-old beans, so we didn't really run as fast as we can, wanting to let them win and have fun. 

"Hold up, did you hear that?"- I asked my brother, the two of us idling as we heard a familiar, but still confusing sound. 

We looked around in concern, forgetting all of our fears once we saw a man with a gun. 


I ran into the garden with Camila right by my side, our hearts dropping as we saw Lucas hugging Angelica tightly and Emilio holding Ariana securely, both of my boys protecting their sisters from the bullet that thank Dio didn't reach any of them. 

"It's okay, shh."- I said warmly, hugging my boys, keeping their heads turned away from the dead corpse on the ground. 

"Shh, you are okay."- soothed Cami, hugging our girls, who absolutely shattered, mortified by a sudden fall and bang.

"You were so brave, tesori. We are so, so, so proud of you."- I spoke to our boys, my hold of them tightening as they just hid in my arms, shaken up and overwhelmed. 

"Are you okay, piccoli?"- asked Cami, checking on our babies in worry. 

Girls are safe and sound, but boys have little bruises on their elbows because of shielding their sisters when dropping to the ground. 


I kissed Luc's and Emi' foreheads, the proudest of them, but cazzo, there is no way I ever want this to repeat.

Emilio's P.O.V.

Lucas and I sat on the bar stools as mamma got the first A.I.D. kit to look after our bruises. 

Fear was definitely there, but we both are sure that we worried about Angie and Ari way more than ourselves. They are just so tiny and fragile and we are much stronger, we know how to box and our eldest brothers, grandpas and papà even showed us how to use a gun.

"Dio."- sighed mamma, hugging my brother and me lovingly, and we gently hugged her back, having worried her and papà immensely. 

"We are okay, really, mamma. Those are just little cuts."- we reassured her with genuine smiles and pecked her cheeks. 

"You are my precious princes - nothing will ever make me worry less about you."- spoke mamma tenderly and kissed our foreheads, hugging us mellowly. 

I just nuzzled into her sweet embrace, and so did my brother, and we grinned when she rubbed our backs affectionately. Mamma pecked the tops of our heads and we sat up straight, so she could patch the small bruises up. 

Luc went first. 

"I got you, fratello."- I said with a comforting smile, giving him my hand to squeeze as the disinfecting stung really bad. 

"Just a little more, mio gioiello."- soothed mamma, kissing his cheek, and soon enough removed the cotton pad that soaked up a bit of blood. 

Mamma looked after my brother's cuts and now it is my turn. 

I clutched Luc's hand, bearing the hurtful stinging that almost burned the fresh cuts. Mamma was so careful and gentle, it really made up for the unpleasant ache. 

Once our bruises were tended to, twins came in and immediately hugged us tightly. 

"Ti vogliamo tanto bene."- said girls with glossy eyes and we gently lifted them up, sitting them on our laps. (We love you so much.) 

"Grazie mille per averci tenuto al sicuro. È stato davvero coraggioso da parte vostra."- murmured twins so genuinely, clutching onto us, shaken up from the happened. (Thank you very much for keeping us safe. It was really brave of you.) 

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