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The first week is almost over. After our little "fight" we went back to not talking with each other. If I'm being honest, I don't like that at all. Sure I always wished that he would just shut up and leave me alone, but I got used to it and now I kinda miss it.

That's so stupid. I should be happy that he isn't annoying me anymore. Yeah, thats right. Happy.

But I wasn't happy. I still thought about what he said.
Well I knew he ignored me so we wouldn't fight. I mean the one time we talked to each other we almost fought again, just because curiosity came over me.

But there was more. Another reason why he ignored me and I really want to know. It keeps me awake. I don't even know why I wanna know so bad. Maybe because he always starts a fight and seemed to enjoy them. It was almost like a ritual or something like that. Every time he saw me he called me with one of these dumb nicknames, I would always respond to it. I mean. I could have just ignored him and he would have stopped eventually. But no matter how hard I tried, I always had the urge to respond to him.

I got up and went into the kitchen. The idiot laid on the couch and watched TV.

"What do you wanna eat?", I asked and waited for him to respond, but he didn't.

"Copycat?", I asked but still, nothing.

I went to him and saw that he was sleeping. Small snores came out of his mouth. His face was relaxed. More than the last few days.

I sighed and picked him up to bring him to his room. I didn't wanna wake him while I cook.

Back in the kitchen I got everything out and started cooking.

"Shit!", I yelled. The bowl with the salad fell to the ground. I heard some trampling and the Copycat came running to me.

"What happend?"

"The bowl slipped out of my hands"

"Oh, let me help you"

"I don't need your help"

"Don't be so stubborn for once and let me help you", he demanded. I nod and let him help me.

After cleaning I went back to cook.

"Thanks for bringing me to my room", he said and sat down.

"Whatever, you too I guess", he nod and I could see a small smile.

"How are your friends doing, now that you have to be here?" I asked.

"Don't know", he responded.

"How don't you know?"

"Well, Kendo is more likely the only one who really talked to me. Right now she is pissed that I didn't listen to her, so she doesn't respond to any massages"

"Don't you think that's a bit extreme, just because you didn't listen to her? It's your life, you can do whatever you want"

"She said she is tired of babysitting me because I get in trouble everywhere I go"

"A friend isn't there to babysit you. They are to keep you company. And I thought you only start fights with me"

"I do, but it seems like everywhere I go, you are there"

"Sounds like you would stalk me", I chuckle a bit.

"Not true. It's not my fault we are at the same school and hang out at the same places"

"Well you do start most of the fights"

"Only because it's so fun to tease you. Everyone always ignored me and you respond"

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