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Waking up the next day was something I wasn't planning on doing, possibly because of the pain however it brought back what happened the day before. My lip throbbed in pain. Just like everything else. A dull, throbbing, continuous pain.

Ian walked into the room with a small green pack, 'First Aid' emblazoned across the front of it. He put it down on my bedside table before looking at me. "Fucking shit. You are up!" He shouted, jumping slightly as he saw my eyes crossed staring at him. "You little shit you know that eye shit scares me." He said poking my forehead with his middle finger.

He sat in front of me on my bed, "Those butterfly stitches need taking off," "It's fine, it doesn't have to be done now," I said holding his hand and the tweezers away from my face. "Do you want to end up with sepsis?" "I don't know who that is but I ain't getting with them!" I said jumping off the bed and running off. "That's not funny Bailey get back here!" He said running after me.

I ended up giving him quite the run around before he got Carl involved and I was pinned down to the sofa. In other words, Carl's fat ass was sat on my back. Ian forced my face so he could see it before my stitches were taken off. Tears filled my eyes as they were ripped off. "Not long now Bails," He said. Before long the new ones were on. "I hate you both, Carl move yourself now." I said before I rolled off the couch, him following. "Ow!" He groaned out. "Bailey do not fuck up those stitches," Ian said.

"If you aren't going to school Bailey, you can go get some shopping in, nothing major, just some bread and stuff," Ian said. "Since when were you the responsible brother?" I said. "Since when was he responsible," Carl mumbled before I started sniggering. Ian didn't look impressed, "Fine give me the money," I said, taking some money from his hand and walking out.

I walked down the street, passing people I didn't even think looked 'South Side' at all. I felt a presence behind my back, like I was being followed and watched. I turned round. Nothing.

I carried on with my walk, that gut feeling stuck in my stomach. Someone was following me. I knew it. It wasn't a good enough reason to phone Ian or any of my brothers. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

I got to the shop and got the 'essentials' Ian requested, including some sweets for me but we don't tell Ian that. The cashier was about my age, as flirty as they come. He wouldn't shut up about going out for a coffee, I don't think he was amused when I put the money on the counter and got my change out myself. "Bye bye now," I said waving at him before rolling my eyes and heading out the door.

I ended up reaching the same street I felt my initial gut feeling in. Turns out I was right. A hand clamped over my mouth and nose before an arm was wrapped around my waist. Dragging me into an alley. I kicked my legs around in hopes of reaching the person's shin, hoping they'd drop me but instead they forced me to the ground. The shopping being moved away from me.

"Now you keep your pretty mouth shut princess and you'll leave this alleyway in one piece. Okay?" It was a male voice, the face was covered.

His hands roamed across my poorly covered body. It was covered before he had hold of me. A thousand thoughts flashed through my head. Maybe if I covered up better I would have been fine. Maybe I should have called one of my siblings. Maybe if I just stayed home. What if it was him? Why? Why? Why? Shit. A slap to the face brought me out of my trance. "Look at me while I fuck you senseless you fucking whore. Don't act like you aren't enjoying it." He said. How was this happening in broad daylight?

I zoned out after that and eventually I was grabbed and forced upright. A punch straight into my stomach made me double over and fall back down to the floor as he forced my clothes back onto me. "You're lucky I even put your clothes back on you." He said before he spat on the ground next to me. Leaving afterwards.

I moved my arm and my hand around to find my phone and once I was successful, I fell round onto my back. Trying to find someone's contact. Anyone's.

I rang the first contact that came up in my recents. "What's up kid?" I heard Mickey ask. "Mick, it hurts," I mumbled down the phone, "Where are you?" He asked, his voice filled with concern. "I don't know? Near the shop," "Stay on the fucking phone I'm on my way." "It feels like I'm drowning," I mumbled as I heard him scramble around.

Next thing I heard two lots of his voice. Through the phone, and just down the street. I heard his footsteps come closer as the phone went dead. "Kid?" He mumbled stepping closer to me.

----to be continued
♤ sorry this hasn't been updated in so long, I will attempt to get it updated at least once every month. Thank you for being so patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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