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I woke up in my own bed, I don't remember getting here, I turned on my other side to check my phone, 02:54 am, great. I turned my head to see Carl asleep with his head against the wall right next to my bed, I inhaled sharply, stretching and as soon as I put my hand back next to my head Carl's hand moved swiftly to it like a magnet, rubbing over my knuckles as if I was going to have a nightmare.

I slowly moved myself so my feet were touching the floor as I stood to move out of the room. Tiptoeing downstairs, I reached the couch putting on the tv, shit. It's going to be adult shit or news, I guess I brought this on myself. After what seemed to be ages I fell asleep on the couch.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" he said grabbing me by the throat, looking me in the eye not even sensing my obvious fear, "let me go, please," I begged as his hand became tighter, like he was trying to kill me. "You don't refuse sex, you don't refuse me, you do not say no, you do what I want when I say God damnit!! I thought we made this crystal clear Bailey, maybe I need to drill it in again, do you think so?" he smirked, pushing me further and further towards the bed, covering my mouth as he ignored my further protests and cries. "You better shut the fuck up right now, you're only making it worse for yourself!" he mumbled next to my ear as he slowly started to do what he wanted. "The fun is only just beginning whore, and you're going to fucking enjoy it..."

"Where are you Bailey?" he shouted through the house he kept me in. He sauntered upstairs expecting me to be sat where he left me, bound and gagged by rope, however what he came into, he was furious. The rope was left in a mound on the floor and the window was wide open, a small ish pool of blood laying on the concrete below, obviously Bailey's. The drawers opened and emptied, they contained all of her belongings, the ones he took from her, "you little bitch," he mumbled picking his phone up, "you don't think I'll get you back? I know where you are Bailey, you shouldn't have answered the call," he said hanging up on the girl as she dialed the only number she knew and hoped it was still in use by the same person. "Hello?" the voice groggily groaned out, "Ian?" the girl stuttered out, still trying to run on a broken ankle, showing the bone. "Bailey!? No way?" "Ian help me please, he's gonna get me, he's gonna find me, help- I'm sorry, the person now cannot be reached" "SHIT"
"Told you I'd get you back princess, now you're not going anywhere. Not in one piece anyway." he said picking up a knife, while she struggled against the wooden chair she was tied to. Her screams went on through the night, blood streamed down her body as she soon layed limp in the chair.

I woke up and inhaled sharply, grabbing the nearest cushion while trying to calm myself, my heart was beating so fast, my breathing was accelerating quickly, I moved into a corner of the room and tried as many calming strategies as possible, until I had to try and shout for the lightest sleeper of the house, "L-LIP!" I don't know how loud that came out but soon Lip came down the stairs, with caution as he had the killing bat swung up on his shoulder, which he threw on the couch as soon as he saw me, clutching my shirt where my heart was, trying to calm down.

"Hey kid you're alright, I'm here, nothing's gonna happen," he said holding my shoulders and trying to get me to talk to him, "sis what happened?" "nightmare," I mumbled out after I eventually calmed down. He went to the sideboard in the kitchen and retrieved my pills and some gatorade from the fridge and gave me them, watching me as I took them. "What were the nightmares about?" "They were back to back, about him, everything that happened it was like i was reliving it," "You're not there anymore ok? You're not going back to him either, now you need sleep without nightmares and here I am, your brother in shining armour!" he said smirking and jumping on the couch, "come on, we haven't had Bails and Lip time in a while, no better time to do it than now," he said as I got on the couch next to him while he *platonically guys* cuddled me. I slowly got back off to sleep, nightmare free.

When Lip woke me up it was nearly time for school, he went off upstairs to get Carl up who was my next bodyguard of the day. "Alright Bails?" Lip said coming into the kitchen and ruffling my hair that I put into a neat claw clip, "seriously asshole?" "Mhm, I'll do your hair again for you if you want?" "No I'll do it, last time you came near my hair it went wrong," "Fine, I'll just have the toast then," he said grabbing the piece of toast I left on my plate, "I was gonna eat that jackass!" I laughed as he walked off.

Soon Carl and I were on our way to first period. Maths, heading to our seats, Carl sat next to me as I stayed firmly in the corner of the room, when my ex came in, I hit him with a hard glare as he sat in the seat in front of mine, my pencil was pushing into my paper, breaking the graphite as it snapped, small shards of it flying in different directions, the overall piece of graphite stayed firm in it's place in the paper, much like someone who's had pieces of them chipped away but they've remained intact, a miracle really. I heard a huff as I saw that my ex was brushing his neck, some of the graphite shards must have hit him, damn fucking shame they didn't give him poisoning, I wish we still got to use lead pencils, "fuck off whore," he said to me as Carl turned to him and threatened him, while I sat with an overly cocky look on my face, brandishing the pencil as I reached for a pencil sharpener to sharpen it. "Try not to cut yourself eh bitch? We all know you're prone to it," My cocky look drained off my face as I put my head down and left my pencil and the sharpener on the table in front of me, Carl took the pencil and sharpened it then putting it under my ex's chin, near his jugular, "So help me fucking god, one more comment from you that just so manages to hurt my sister and this pencil will go straight through your jugular, you'll bleed out because I'll make sure no one saves you, got it fuckface?" "Mhm mhm," he mumbled turning round as Carl smirked contentedly. "Problem solved,"

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