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TW- mentions of sexual assault and flashbacks

I sat at the table with the rest of my family, well, all except Carl who seemed to be sleeping, lucky bastard. "Bailey could you go get him? You guys are gonna be late," Fiona said juggling all sorts off crap, I nodded and headed upstairs, walking to our room, and laying on Carl's bed beside him flicking his forehead. "Fuck off." He mumbled into his pillow "sorry but you gotta get up," "but its Sunday," "its Monday," was all I needed to say before he shot up out of his bed "we're gonna be late," he said running round his room "it's 7:30 we got time!" I said, laughing as he ran riot.

Soon enough we were through the school gates, stares being directed at me from all directions. Must have been some new rumour about Carl I thought to myself. I put my crap in my locker only to get more out, staring at my maths book, yay first lesson maths, no thanks. My book was absolutely littered with doodles as that's all I sit and do all lesson. I began heading to first period, which just so happened to be maths when I realised that people were staring at me. Not Carl. He went god knows where ages ago. I walked into the classroom and took my seat in the very back corner, doodling on my arm when someone walked in and took the seat next to me, I turned my head slightly to see him.

I put my head down, facing the patterned table, did they change them? Then putting my hands below the table. "Don't bother doing all that, I already know it's you feather," he said with a little scoff in his voice. Where the fuck was Carl? "Come on, you can speak to me," he said again after I ignored him the first time round. My breaths were shaky enough until he put his hand firmly on my thigh. "Remember how it started princess? My hand on your thigh, one thing lead to another and-" "And you fucking raped my sister," Carl said appearing behind him "Oh please, she was asking for it." At that point my hands were balled together and covering my mouth, trying to drown out the laboured breaths and every now and again a sob, I didn't even realise he was dragged off his chair and forced to sit elsewhere away from me and that Carl was now perched in his seat speaking to me, well... more speaking to the air.

My mind was racing at a million miles per hour, why did they enrol him in this school, my school? Is he seriously back for good? Does he have a death wish? He was put away for ages but why's he now out? "Bailey?" Carl repeated my name around several times until I snapped back into reality, "Bailey you ok? Did he do anything?" "I'm fine, nothing I can't handle," I mumbled, starting to draw on my book. "Except you're totally not fine," he said, taking my pen from me, forcing me to look at him but as soon as I did I was also met with a set of eyes from the other side of the room, glaring at me. "Bailey ignore him, we can always go home," but we literally can't go home, Fiona will only stress and have the principle up her ass. I shook my head and mumbled that I was fine, just as the lesson started, and my brain shut all thoughts of maths out.

The air surrounding me was disgusting, it was like it was causing my lungs and my airways to squash themselves, leading to a slow and painful death, which in these circumstances I would much rather have preferred. "Did you enjoy that princess, I know I did," I shuddered as he spoke next to me, his hand stroking my matted hair while his other hand rested on my bare thigh, at the highest possible point, "no I didn't enjoy it," I mumbled hoping it would fall on deaf ears, "you fucking what?" he said, grabbing my face and bringing it to meet his, "nothing," I managed to say, "well it was fucking something," he shouted at me like I was miles away, "well, maybe we should just try again hm? Maybe then you'll learn to enjoy it," he said, starting to manhandle my body again, ignoring my pleads and cries for him to stop.

I inhaled sharply, causing Carl to look at me, everyone was talking because our supply teacher seemingly wasn't bothering to teach us. "Hey, you ok?" he said, nudging my hand to get me to look at him "yeah," I said bluntly "what happened," "nothing, just got too caught up in my mind again, I'm fine, really." "It was him again wasn't it?" "mhm, how long of this lesson is left?" "5 minutes, but I think we could slip out now, teach ain't watching and we're on break," Carl said, trying to figure out a way for us to slip past the teacher and my ex who was sat near the door. "Let's go I don't wanna be here anymore," I said picking up my bag, followed by Carl. Just as we got to the door "Why are you two escaping? God Bailey I didn't realise you were into incest too, I mean, you are leaving to have a quickie with your brother right? You really are a whore aren't you?" My ex spoke from behind us. "And of course you would be the one to imagine that," Carl said opening the door and pushing me out into the corridor as we walked out onto our early break. "Do you wanna go home?" He asked me "can we go after break? I just don't wanna stress Fi out." "Yeah I know you don't, but if you're on edge then, also have you had your pills?" "No I forgot," "okay so when we get home, take them." Little did we realise someone was listening into our conversation, "hmm pills you say?" someone's voice came from behind us, "you can fuck off," Carl said standing in front of me. "Aw look at the brother defending his sister, I wouldn't get used to that princess, he won't be around to save you for much longer," he said trying to get to me "Is that a fucking threat," Carl said just as my ears started ringing and drowning out all forms of noise as I gripped the table to keep myself upright while flashbacks filled my mind. Carl turned his head to check on me, soon leaning my body weight on him and taking me to the office to get me formally sent home.

"Bye princess!" he yelled after us while I walked with Carl, clinging onto his hoodie. "What's up with her then?" the bitch at the desk asked Carl. "Phone my brother, his contact will be there for both of us," "I kinda need to know what's going on before I can do that," "fine, I'll do it," he said getting his phone out of his pocket and pulling up Lip's contact details. "Lip she's not good at all, the bitch at the office isn't helping either," after that Carl put Lip on speaker, who then explained to the very kind lady, who gave us a slip to authoise our absence.

Me and Carl walked out and walked back to our house, he was checking on me every so often, he put me down on the couch and got my pills and water. I took what he gave me and then layed with my face down on a cushion on the couch. He came back with blankets and pillows, putting them on the floor and making it comfy, then went off into the kitchen, soon coming back with snacks. "Come on, we are having a movie day," he said dragging me onto the floor and putting my head on his shoulder while I was too tired and dead inside to protest, "I'm sorry," I mumbled "huh? What for?" "Dragging us home early because I'm weak," "You're not weak, you're my little sister and you're the strongest person I fucking know, shut the fuck up," he said smirking. "Thank you, for being one of the best brothers ever," "one of? Excuse me?" "I can't have favourites, not in this house, only person that ain't my favourite is our dear old drunk father," "good point," he said, putting the first film on.

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