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You're never leaving me Bailey, I'll always find you, I'll always catch up with you my feather. You'll never achieve closure, you can't run from me, I did nothing wrong, I was the perfect boyfriend for you, you never deserved me, I deserved much better...

My day started at 4:38 in the morning. Those thoughts, the thoughts that have kept me awake for a year and ten months. I stare at the hole in the wall I put there not so long ago, the scars are still on my knuckles, unable to be patched up. I slowly dragged my ass out of bed and downstairs, trying not to disturb my brothers sleeping in the same room, crowded I know but I'm used to it, I needed the social interaction. Trust me.

I sat down in the kitchen nursing a cup of hot chocolate, staring at my pill bottle. "Gallagher Bailey" why put the name backwards? I've always wondered that. About half an hour later Fiona came down. Expecting no one there she had a heart attack when she saw me staring blankly at the white pills in the orange bottle. "Jesus Christ Bailey, how long have you been here?" Fiona whisper shouted at me, holding her chest, also snapping me out of my trance. "Bout a half hour?" I said, questioning myself almost, I don't actually know how long I was there. Not long. It can't have been.

"Bailey you need to sleep..." "Can't," I bluntly replied. Next thing I know everyone's piling down the stairs, I'm still sat nursing the same hot chocolate from an hour ago. Feeling a hand on my left shoulder I see my twin, Carl, as he picked up the pill bottle and took one of the many pills out, handing me it. "Please Bailey?" he begged, closing my hand around it. I shuddered at the thought of it entering my system, especially after him. My ex. The reason for the orange bottle with my name on it, quite literally. As I throw the pill down my throat, washing it down with the now not so hot chocolate, Carl had his arm round to my right shoulder, just as Fiona handed me breakfast, cereal, I grabbed an extra spoon and shared it with Carl, just as Ian came down, holding gatorade, handing me it. "She's already had it," Carl mumbled to him, giving him the drink back to put into the fridge. "Bailey are you ok being home alone for a bit? It won't be long, Lip will be home just after," Fiona reasoned, guilt lacing her voice with guilt as she hated leaving me alone. "Yeah I'll be fine," I said giving her a reassuring smile that didn't last long. "Come on you lot, get sorted," Fiona said, hurrying us along to get us out of the house and on our way to school, work etc.

School was immensely uneventful, same shit different day in Carl's words, I was walking through the weird but wonderful streets of the South Side of Chicago, unable to shake the feeling that I was being watched. I was in debate as to whether to run or slip down an alley to get home, see if that shook it. I continued walking, turning my head slightly every few seconds, no one. Not a soul, well not until a Mr Mikhailo Milkovich began walking beside me, also scaring the shit outta me. "You alright kid, you seemed jumpy?" he asked. Jeez Mickey? Concerned? Is this actually Mickey. "Mhm," I hummed, keeping the same blank expression on my face, not even making eye contact with him. The feeling dulled down, not completely, but as soon as Mickey appeared it dulled down. Weird. I was walked home by the guardian devil, and by reassuring I would be fine many times over, he kindly fucked off, well... not so kindly, part of me wish he stayed. The feeling came back, rapidly. No one was here, surely? I tried reassuring myself repeatedly, sitting on the stairs watching almost every corner of the house. Standing up and pacing every now and again. Until I was grabbed, forced against the wall and my airways were blocked by someone's forearm. My eyes were screwed shut. Until I heard... that voice... that infamous voice "Hello again my feather, thought you could run? "

I opened my eyes and saw his face staring right at me. "Oh so she can open her eyes, aww what's the matter-" he was interrupted mid sentence when Mickey burst through the front door, forcing him to the ground, knocking him out with one punch "pussy," Mickey mumbled spitting on the unconscious prick layed in the kitchen. "Kid?" he asked, turning to see me crouched in a corner, attempting to catch my breath.

Soon after that I was sat next to Mickey on the couch, "why did you come back?" "gut feeling," "he was meant to have another 8 years," Mickey had nothing else to say after that, he opened his mouth to speak but some idiotic sentence would probably come out so he kept it to himself so as not to worry me. We just sat in silence, a comforting silence. I wasn't used to it but it was comfortable.

I stood in front of him as he yelled in my face, I'd heard all the words before, at this point they swam over my head, until I was snapped back to reality by a hand colliding with my face. I stepped back holding my cheek, he apologised over and over again repeating he would never do it ever again, I refused to believe him and shook my head...

I was snapped out of my trance by Mickey nudging my shoulder. "You ok kid?" "mhm" I mumbled just as two of my siblings burst through the door, bombarding Mickey and I with questions. "Ian! Lip, I'm fine, Mick came before anything seriously bad happened," "so something happened?" Lip blurted out. "No jeez, I'm fine," "if you say so," "I do say so just leave it will you?" "You taken your meds?" Lip asked, receiving a cushion I was hugging being thrown at his head, to which he threw back at me. "Hey I was only asking!" he yelled, sorta high pitched, trying to defend himself. "If taking them this morning counts then yes I've taken them, has everyone synced that or will I have to continue to repeat myself?" I said just as Carl burst through the door, ruffling my hair "hey sis you taken your meds?" "I'll give you three seconds Carl, run," "HEY IT WAS JUST A QUESTION!" he yelled running upstairs with me chasing after him seconds later.

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