welcome home pt. ii

Start from the beginning

For weeks afterwards, Olivia had watched from her office window while Spencer worked through command after command with Bella. When he wasn't training her, he would take her on long walks and clean up the random messes she left around the house. Then at night, he would lay in bed, reading articles and watching YouTube videos.

And even though Spencer had been the one to train her and to wake up early to feed her and take her on walks before heading out for practice, Bella had become fiercely loyal to Olivia.

Now, two years later, Olivia couldn't imagine how she managed her first year in Buffalo alone. Bella had become her trustworthy companion, keeping her company while Spencer was gone.

That's why it was making her incredibly uneasy when Bella started growling at the sound of the front door opening. Her normally calm pup had been on edge all day, barking at random and pacing circles around her anytime she stood.

"What's wrong, mama?"

Spencer's voice called out as the door slammed shut. "Liv?"

"In here," she called back.

Laying by Olivia's feet, Bella continued to growl as he came into the kitchen, her eyes laser focused on his every step.

"It's okay, Bella. It's just daddy," Olivia cooed, rubbing her foot against the pup's neck, trying to soothe her. Helplessly, Olivia looked up at Spencer, "I don't know what's wrong with her. She's been like this all day."

Spencer crouched down, offering a hand. "Hey mama." The rumbling growl slowed, and Spencer reached to pet her. "There we go."

"Do you think we should take her to the vet?" Olivia asked, nervously watching the interaction.

"Have you noticed anything else off?" Spencer straightened and walked to the fridge.

"No, she's just been extra clingy."

"She's doing her job, Liv."

"I don't know," she started to mumble, but noticing how unconcerned Spencer was, she dropped the subject.


For the next week, Olivia worried. Nothing seemed to be changing.

"Spencer, I really think something's wrong," she pressed while they caught up on their respective days in the kitchen. Sitting on the counter, she snacked on some carrots while Spencer prepared a wrap for himself.

He glanced over his shoulder to where Bella was eating her dinner. "She looks okay to me."

Frustrated that her husband wasn't giving any weight to her legitimate concern, Olivia let out a loud exhale. "I'm taking her to the vet on Monday."

Having finished assembling his wrap, Spencer turned to her.

"Okay, baby, if that will bring you peace of mind, go ahead and take her."

"It will." She perched her chin on his shoulder when he stepped up between her legs.

His arms wrapped around her, sending a wave of calm through her body as he locked her in against him.

But just as quick as it had come, the calm vanished. Bella had abandoned her kibble to bark in their direction.

"See!" Olivia shoved him away, jumping on the opportunity to prove her point. "This isn't normal for her."

Rubbing his forehead, Spencer stared at their dog. The rubbling growl was back. "Yeah, okay. Let's get her checked out."

The visit turned out to be useless since Bella was in prime health. None of the tests showed anything out of the ordinary, causing Olivia more stress as she tried to pin point what could be wrong.

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