But when she complained, Zhou Qing Bai had an innocent expression. He couldn't do anything if it took long. He just last that long.

Lin Qing He chuckled as she pulled his cheeks. It became more and more apparent that this man was black-bellied.

Zhou Qing Bai embraced his wife, filled with content.

In the beginning, retiring halfway made him very lost, because he liked the force very much. That was his dream.

He powerlessly pulled out halfway, so how could his heart feel comfortable?

But now, he doesn't regret returning to a home like this at all.

Holding his wife, Zhou Qing Bai felt very satisfied with his current life. He even blamed himself for neglecting her.

His wife was wonderful, super wonderful. Since he didn't cherish her before, he will treasure her even more in the future.

"Wife, let's do it again." Zhou Qing Bai wanted to dote his wife again.

Before Lin Qing He had the chance to object, he pulled her into a new round of stormy waves and made her woke up late the next day.

Although the summer was hot, the heating summer was also the beginning of fruit produce.

A new round of work began after the rain stopped.

Lin Qing He brought Er Wa and San Wa along with her to county city as she rid of the meat stored in this period

She had the two of them eat popsicles at the entrance of the mall, and ordered Er Wa to take good care of San Wa. The two got a popsicle each.

Er Wa said that he remembers and won't lose sight of his brother.

Lin Qing He also knew he was intelligent, but he was still four years old. Lin Qing He tied their brothers together with a rope at their waists.

She instructed him to watch the bicycle and his brother before she rushed to sell pork.

Due to worrying for the brothers, Lin Qing He came back in half an hour later and was sweating all over.

The brothers were sitting there obediently. Lin Qing He was relieved, but at the same time, she couldn't help being distressed.

"Come, follow Mother to the supply and demand cooperative. I'll buy you cans of malted milk powder." Lin Qing He beckoned.

Er Wa and San Wa saw her coming back and excitedly entered with their mother. The brothers were pretty. As for Lin Qing He's aura and appearance, it was needless to say.

So when the mother and sons came in, it had the salesperson's eyes lit up.

Lin Qing He's handiwork was quite extraordinary; malted milk powder, white rabbit candy, red dates, dried dragon-eyes, and the likes. Especially when she bought a six pound big watermelon outright.

These things had Er Wa and San Wa drooling.

They had eaten everything else, so it wasn't anything unusual. But the big watermelon, they had never tried it before!

Lin Qing He didn't go straight away after buying these things. She brought Er Wa and San Wa to the mall to go shopping and bought some school supplies back.

After these were bought, Lin Qing He took her two sons and these materials back home.

"Mother, will you bring us next time?" Both Er Wa and San Wa were in the front seats.

The brothers were sitting on specially-made children's seats, which were drawn by Lin Qing He and asked Zhou Qing Bai to find a carpenter to make them.

Lin Qing He was not at ease when they were at the back as they were too small.

"I'll see how you brothers behave." Lin Qing He raised an eyebrow.

"We'll all be obedient." Zhou Er Wa immediately superficially swore.

"Be good, eat watermelon." Zhou San Wa was pining for the watermelon.
The mother and sons soon reached home. They didn't eat once they arrived, because Zhou Qing Bai hadn't got off work yet, and Da Wa hadn't finished school.

Have to wait for them to come back before eating.

Although it would be more pleasant to eat it after chilling in the well water, Lin Qing He did not put it in the well water as the children were still young.

"Mother, do we have to wait for Father and Eldest Brother to come back to eat?" Er Wa longingly looked at the big watermelon.

"Then if you aren't at home one day and there's tasty food, we'll eat it first without waiting for you. Would you agree?" Lin Qing He raised an eyebrow.

Er Wa shook his head and waited for their father and brother.

San Wa was playing with the big watermelon on the cool mat. Since the big watermelon couldn't be eaten first, Lin Qing He gave them a tomato each.

[Part 1] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now