Drop of love left for her? Cutting her off for good? Madison almost scoffed out loud as she tried to decipher the meaning of his words. They had already cut her off. They rarely visited or called, and she was like the prodigal child of Mr Connor, so what was he talking about.

However, tears washing down Madison's face as she shook her head, she tried to forget all about that as she said, "You don't understand anything, and you won't let me explain. I met him at this event... and I accidentally—"

"Just stop with your excuses, okay? It's pathetic!"

The venom in his voice shook Madison to the core, and as she stared at him, she could see just how much he hated her.

Ever since her involvement with Damien back when they were still young, he had seemingly cut her out of his life.

The loving older brother she had was gone, and right from then there was always something wrong with her.

Madison, this. Madison, that. She was always either dumb or pathetic in his eyes, and he was showing that same attitude and hatred today too. He hadn't even given her a chance to explain herself, just walking into her house ready to condemn her and see faults.

Her chest heaved as she felt a sudden anger creep into her and swiping her hand, across her teary eyed face she began, "What did I ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much? You, dad even Michael ... all of you!" Tears streamed down in torrents but Madison didn't bother to wipe them away this time, "You lots tossed me out in the streets, disowned me completely and now you claim to have an ounce of love for me? I never call to ask for anything, any favors whatsoever and it's been so many years since you visited or we even see each other. Now, you come after all these while, and you still talk to me this way? You still despise me..." Her voice broke, "You hate me, Mason. I can see it in your eyes, I can feel it all around you. W-why is that why..."

If she was expecting him to feel any iota of remorse she was already in for a shock, because Mason only glared at her in contempt.

"Oh I hate you right? You want to know why I hate you?" He began, "Take a look in the fucking mirror. You're a sick excuse of a sister. You don't even deserve to bear the name Connor. You're a disgrace... to yourself and to your family. I can't even stand to look at you. You disgust me." He spat at her feet, shaking his head.

Madison's eyes stung and she bit her tongue to stop herself from sobbing.

"You brought shame onto our family, you practically ruined all our lives because of your stupidity! Ruined our family, ruined our name, the family business as well because of the scandal. And this all because you're a fucking slut, who couldn't keep herself under control!"

Madison was crying heavily now, his words cutting deep into her. Her chest hurt as so many emotions ran through her, and she could see how angry he was, his eyes wild.

He walked closer to her, menacingly and with a sneer on his lips, "I warn you again... If you dare to pull any stunts, I promise you'll regret it."

"Oh no..." She broke, her hands stretched out as if to touch him but he scooted away from her.

Giving her one last glance over, he spat again on the floor and with that, he was gone, storming out of the house and banging the door behind him.

Madison fell to the floor in a heap, staring at the door, unable to move or do anything.

She knew she was completely alone, but now that piece of information hurt like hell.

They all hated her, everybody hated her. Including her own family, and if Madison thought she had felt great pain in the past few weeks, with everything happening but this... This was more than pain.

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