EP 34 Male Reader x Yandere Fae

Comenzar desde el principio

(Y/N): Mommy!

I called out to her and got her attention. She started running to me and once we were close enough she got down and hugged me really tight.

Mom: *Crying* I was so worried

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Mom: *Crying* I was so worried.

(Y/N): Why are you crying, mommy?

Mom: *Crying* I heard the music and thought one of them took you.

(Y/N): It's ok mommy I was with a new friend and she said she wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. We were about to have tea and cake when you called me.

Mom: *Crying* Oh god. You didn't eat or drink anything, did you?

(Y/N): No.

Mom: Sweetie, you have to listen to me. The woman you met is not your friend and is very dangerous.

(Y/N): But she said...

Mom: It doesn't matter what she said. You can never go in the woods behind our house, and if you are in the backyard you need to be with me, and if you ever hear that music ever again cover your ears and call me.

(Y/N): I don't understand.

I was starting to cry.

Mom: It's ok I will keep you safe. If somehow you ever find yourself in the woods with a strange woman again there are some rules that can keep you safe.

I was still crying and my mom continued to hold me close.

Mom: We don't have to go over that right now, just one last thing. What was her name?

(Y/N): We never said each other's names.

Mom: What a relief.

She picked me up and carried me inside the house.

3rd Person POV

The following months were especially tough for (y/n) even though he did his best to stay out of the backyard he would constantly hear the music playing. His mother never told him exactly what he encountered that day so he feared the worst every time he heard the music. He was currently asleep in his mother's bed due to him being afraid of being alone. His mother was not in the room to notice he was tossing and turning from whatever he was dreaming.

*Dream Start*

???: Where are you?!

He didn't see her but was seeing the woods behind his house.


Images of the tea party, the mushroom circle, and her smirking flashed in his head.


*Dream End*

Her yelling caused (y/n) to wake up crying.

Yandere Females x Male ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora