Yoongi's fingers brushed through my hair, his breath a short distance from my ear and his voice dark and deep resonating through my mind. He really did always say the right things. The words making me see reason, made me want to look for a different perspective where I wasn't the villain I kept thinking I was.

Yoongi was refreshing like that.

"Oh by the way. Did humping Taehyung in my closet really cure your period pains?"

Aaand the moment was broken. I sighed and curled in on my self, hiding my head in the nook of Yoongi's arm.

"I'm not going to lie and say that it didn't but if you bring it up once more I might run out of here"

"Hahah, no, sweetheart I swear I'm not making fun. I'm genuinely curious. I want to know how to help you too."

His eyes were caring, looking into mine trying to prove his pure intentions, like it wasn't immediately recognisable in his voice. I believed him.

"Oh... well he noticed my pain before I did. My body is so used to the cramps that I tend to not recognise them for what they are until it's too late and I'm stuck waiting for the pain killers to work while just sitting there being miserable."

"How did he notice?"

"Well you know... his pain thing..."

"His pain thing? Sounds like our Taetae has a pain kink when you put it like that"

"Ahh no stop it I'm already embarrassed talking about this"

Yoongi shifted a bit behind me, his hands moving so that his palms were both in my lap, open towards me, resting, waiting.

"Show me what he did"

I spent a second thinking about it, noticing the slight uncomfortable feeling in my lower back I suddenly craved the feeling of his hands on me to soothe it. Was this me thinking or was it the soulmate connection? Did I care?

"My lower back..." I mumbled. "It's where it's most painful.. he put his hand on my skin. Like skin to skin contact right where the pain was. And it was instantly gone. Replaced by just the feeling of him and... arousal."

I couldn't dare to look at Yoongi, I knew I shouldn't be embarrassed. I knew I shouldn't even worry about exposing such an intimate detail. He was my soulmate. We were all soulmates, god, I'd had sex with most of them by now and the ones I hadn't were just because the right time hadn't presented itself yet. I wanted them all, all the time, every day, every hour. The triggering might have amplified the urgency in my mind but I knew from the moment I met them that I wanted them. Needed them.

"Are you okay if I try? I don't want to unintentionally trigger something you don't want" his hands laid open on my lap still, patient, calm. Respectfully waiting for my consent. It made my stomach tingle and my heart beat faster.

"I'm okay, please." I breathily muttered, my mind already anticipating the feeling of his skin on mine.

His hand moved slowly but confidently around my body, and under the hem of Namjoon's big sweater swaddling my body. Once I felt his fingertips on my skin it was as if my body folded itself in half trying to push my lower back onto his hand, and as it moved to fit the entirety of his palm on my skin I let out a deep breath, the sincere calmness overtaking every part of me.

The moan involuntarily escaping me would probably have made me feel embarrassed had it not been for the euphoria of his tender healing.

"Oh thank god it worked"

"Mmm, you didn't think it would?"

"I was scared it was just a Taehyung thing. He is the healer after all"

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now