Her outfit

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Her outfit

Demon's POV

" dude come on you gotta get out tonight " My bestfriend Keith said and Edwin agreed

" yea bro, you need to go out have a drink, we're going to BLACKMAGIC strip club, I hear they have the best strippers " Edwin said

" fine" I said as it came out harsher than expected

I stood up and fixed my suit and we left my office

We didn't wait in line as they knew who I was, we went into the VIP area and sat with drinks in our hands

" Let's welcome your favourite dancer VIXEN" I heard Ethan said and a blonde hair girl walked out her head down as whistles and howling where heard

I sat back in my seat sipping my Henessy as she started to dance

As she danced and stared at her

She looked oddly familiar

The way she bent and danced almost got me hard

I looked at her longer and realisation hit me

The damn girl I have be looking for 6 years

The girl that 20 year old me fell in love with that faithful night January 15

As if she sensed me looking at her gorgeous face she looked up at me and a mixture of emotions flashed through her eyes

She almost messed up but caught herself and turning it into a split

Soon she was done and she quickly grabbed the robe she out with and walked to the backstage

Natalie POV

I rushed off the stage and went to the dressing room

" great performing as always" Ethan said handing 2 bags of cash

" got to do, what you have to do" I said taking the bag and when he left I changed into something less sweety and hot

" got to do, what you have to do" I said taking the bag and when he left I changed into something less sweety and hot

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Natalie's outfit

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Natalie's outfit

I packed up everything and left to thr parking lot

I unlocked my truck dropping my bags in then closing it

I went to unlock my door before a large tattooed hand closed it back

I felt breathing on my neck and I knew who it was

" where have you been hiding " he said, his voice coming out deep and smelled like weed

" nowhere" I said calmly as possible

" is that so, do you know who I am?" He said fiddling with my hair my back still turned towards his chest

I shook my head lieing as he chuckled

" Yes,do remember that night 6 years ago at this same exact club" he said as memories flashed before my eyes

Before I could respond my phone rang, when I looked down I saw that it was a facetime from the kids nanny

Not caring that he was right behide me, I answered

" oh thank god you answered, Rain fell down the stairs and hit her head we are the hospital right downtown" she said holding a crying River

I started to panic searching for my keys

" I want my mommy" I heard River cry

" can you fucking move" I said pushing him away

" mommy is on the way baby" I said starting my car and drove away leaving a confused father that knew nothing about his children

I arrived to the hospital and ran inside

" Hi Rain Thomas " I said

" room 239" she said and I ran down the hall

" how is she" I said picking up River

" the doctors said she's resting and to give them a while" she said exhausted

" thank you so much Crystal you should go home and rest" I said paying her extra and she left

I walked outside still holding River his head resting on my shoulder

I walked up to my car and right as I was about to open my door I heard a voice

" Natalie" from that voice

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